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Ye Olde /r/TP Weekly(ish) Newsposting: 30 June 2020

Oboy it's that time again, a-and he's late! Awww shucks, who woulda thunk? Well, uh, it'sa good thing not much is new this week, fellas (or yours truly may just do a poor job of keeping up with the News... uh, mmm nah couldn't be), I coulda rilly been in trouble for this lil exercise in delayed gratification... In any case: Copy, meet Paste.


Reading Group Schedule

Dates Event Homework Discussion Leader
5 June 2020 Discussion about our thoughts and expectations regarding the book. Read Sections 1-4. -
Part I Beyond the Zero - -
12 June 2020 Sections 1-4 Discussion Read Sections 5-8 u/BloomsdayClock
19 June 2020 Sections 5-8 Discussion Read Sections 9-12 u/SpookishBananasaur
26 June 2020 Sections 9-12 Discussion Read Sections 13-16 u/acquabob
3 July 2020 Sections 13-16 Discussion Read Sections 17-21 u/KieselguhrKid13
10 July 2020 Sections 17-21 Discussion Read Sections 22-25/Review "Beyond the Zero" Sections u/TAMcClendon
13 July 2020 Beyond the Zero Capstone Discussion Continue Reading Sections 22-25 u/acquabob
Part II Un Perm' au Casino Herman Goering - -
17 July 2020 Sections 22-25 Discussion Read Sections 26-29 u/grigoritheoctopus
24 July 2020 Sections 26-29 Discussion Read Sections 30-33/Review "Un Perm' au Casino Herman Goering" Sections u/vagueandpretentious
27 July 2020 Un Perm' au Casino Herman Goering Capstone Discussion Continue Reading Sections 30-33 u/sodord
Part III In the Zone - -
31 July 2020 Sections 30-33 Discussion Read Sections 34-37 u/osbiefeeeeeel
7 August 2020 Sections 34-37 Discussion Read Sections 38-41 u/YossarianLives1990
14 August 2020 Sections 38-41 Discussion Read Sections 42-45 u/hearusfalling
21 August 2020 Sections 42-45 Discussion Read Sections 46-49 u/frenesigates
28 August 2020 Sections 46-49 Discussion Read Sections 50-53 u/atroesch
4 September 2020 Sections 50-53 Discussion Read Sections 54-57 ????????????
11 September 2020 Sections 54-57 Discussion Read Sections 58-61 u/ConorJay
18 September 2020 Sections 58-61 Discussion Read Sections 62-66/Review "In the Zone" Sections u/jas1865
21 September 2020 In the Zone Capstone Discussion Continue Reading Sections 62-66 u/empireofchairs
Part IV The Counterforce - -
25 September 2020 Sections 62-66 Discussion Read Sections 67-69 u/goodandniceguy
2 October 2020 Sections 67-69 Discussion Read Sections 70-73 u/frenesigates
9 October 2020 Sections 70-73 Discussion Review "The Counterforce" Sections u/SpookishBananasaur
12 October 2020 The Counterforce Capstone Discussion Review "The Counterforce" Sections u/totallynotshilling
16 October 2020 Gravity's Rainbow Capstone Discussion Review whatever sections of the book you like All
NOTE: Pagination conversion chart can be found here.

Standby Roster


Not much more to say other than... something about keepin cool? Stay grounded, know your roots? I dunno

-Root Man
submitted by Loveablecarrot to ThomasPynchon [link] [comments]

Gravity's Rainbow and the secret integration.

I've read Gravity's Rainbow four times and thought I understood it pretty well. However, reading Beckett's Molloy/Malone Dies/The Unnameable trilogy and the Beckett biography Damned to Fame, and a lot of Jung, and going through some difficult times made me realise how much within me that I had previously repressed. The slow process of integrating everything I was in denial about has allowed me to find peace that I never thought I would attain, having been clinically depressed and suicidal for around ten years. I started reading GR again with this new understanding of myself and realised that I actually hadn't understood it properly at all. I thought I'd share a few things I realised in case they might be of interest to any of you. I will discuss the book from a psychoanalytical perspective and a political perspective here, but I do not wish to reduce what is such a brilliant novel in its own right to these elements alone; I feel like the literary perspective has been discussed far more than these aspects though, and strongly doubt I would be able to add anything new to that excellent body of existing work. Even though I have realised that the political and psychoanalytical aspects are examined and explored very overtly in GR, I think they are often underexamined because the readers themselves haven't come to terms with their own inner conflicts, and are therefore in denial about certain things in themselves, such as their own possible complicity (through inaction or otherwise) with the System - much like Pokler. Therefore I am only going to be discussing the book within the very narrow frameworks of psychoanalysis and politics, while acknowledging that this comprises only a fraction of what it really is.
The sheer density of GR can make it hard to tell what the hell is going on even just in terms of things like the plot. But maybe this isn't such a surprise, Pynchon's intelligence and education, how long he spent writing it, and and how much research he had to do in the process. It's only after doing a lot of the background reading that he refers to that things started to come together for me. With subjects such as Pavlov's theories of conditioning, statistics, physics, engineering, Pynchon reproduces key concepts within the text. For example:
Pavlov was fascinated with “ideas of the opposite.” Call it a cluster of cells, somewhere on the cortex of the brain. Helping to distinguish pleasure from pain, light from dark, dominance from submission... . But when, somehow—starve them, traumatize, shock, castrate them, send them over into one of the transmarginal phases, past borders of their waking selves, past “equivalent” and “paradoxical” phases —you weaken this idea of the opposite, and here all at once is the paranoid patient who would be master, yet now feels himself a slave... who would be loved, but suffers his world’s indifference, and, “I think,” Pavlov writing to Janet, “it is precisely the ultraparadoxical phase which is the base of the weakening of the idea of the opposite in our patients.” Our madmen, our paranoid, maniac, schizoid, morally imbecile—
However, for much of the history, particular that regarding intelligence agencies (whether that is WWII activity such as the O.S.S. or the S.O.E., or CIA activity in the 60s and 70s around the time that Pynchon was writing GR in a Californian beach house, very near where groups such as the Black Panthers were operating, targets of programs such as COINTELPRO and Operation CHAOS), the books had not even been written yet. I think the first few pages, with the carriage full of evacuees, can be interpreted as moving into the darkest parts of lost or repressed history, e.g.:
and it is poorer the deeper they go... ruinous secret cities of poor, places whose names he has never heard..
These names he has never heard could range from the Herero tribe whose genocide he discovered while writing V. ten years before, to Novi Pazar (with the Adenoid passage), to the all other hidden history in the book. I have also read people remarking on how in The Crying of Lot 49 it seems like Pynchon was somehow aware of MK-Ultra (which Dr Hilarius was involved with) before well the documents were leaked and the program confirmed. However, fortunately, many these history books have since been written. If anyone is interested, a great place to start is The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, published in 2016, which follows Dulles from his time at the Wall Street law firm Sullivan and Cromwell to his time in the O.S.S. in Switzerland, working with Nazis in Operation Paperclip, to his directorship of the CIA through the 50s and 60s. Reading about this Cold War history, and also the writing of Huey Newton (who I strongly believe Enzian is in part based on), made a lot of GR far clearer. It is important to recognise that these histories of intelligence agencies contain irrefutable documented facts that the public at large is collectively in denial about - because they are too dark for them to acknowledge and face. For them to acknowledge these facts requires integrating that darkness into their conscious minds, before anything can be done about it on the political level. I think that, through the incorporation of all the world's darkness, from politics to history to sexual and paedophilic fantasies to etc..., this is the Secret Integration that Pynchon is trying to accomplish, and which concept he wrote a story about, published in Slow Learner. Reading this book causes the beginnings of this process, as all of the darkness is brought into one's mind by reading it.
Another crucial area for me was understanding a bit about Freud and Jung. Particularly Freud's tendency to project his own incredibly powerful repression onto his patients, because of his own compulsion to analyse and differentiate everything, much in the Western tradition, seen in, for example, his five stages of psychosexual development, oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital stages. Some people don't need to delve into the darkest aspects of their unconscious to find peace, but since Freud did, he felt the need to inflict this also on his patients - seen in the many cases where he would tell victims of childhood sexual abuse that it was due to their own subconscious desires to be raped, which could, obviously, do enormous damage to his patients. His compulsion to do this might have stemmed from, alongside his overanalytical compulsions, the truth that anything we are in denial of or repress causes inner conflicts that manifest in our daily lives, and the only way to get rid of them is to integrate them into the conscious mind. Jung's equivalent of this is his statement that “until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Jung's thinking on the unconscious, and particularly the notion of the collective unconscious - this idea that all the darkness in humanity is also within ourselves, and vice versa, much as in Daoism, another critical source for GR - is very useful to help understand the book.
An interesting thing to consider is that the old psychoanalytic approach, more directive/authoritarian (going back to Mesmer powerfully dominating his hypnotic subjects), where the analyst would attempt to integrate these repressions into the conscious mind of the patient by force, has fallen out of favour - it is now seen that the permissive style, in which the therapist tries to help the patient realise things themselves without use of force, is a much healthier approach for the average person (though there are still some cases where the directive style can be more effective). The former's effects can be seen in GR when, after many sessions with Freud, Greta's darkest parts of her unconscious mind rise up and she begins murdering children. Pynchon links Freud's repressions to trauma carried down by Jews from life under the Romans, and elsewhere, slavery under the Ancient Egyptians, which is fundamental to their religious texts (linked itself with attitudes and trauma in the black population about the more recent black slavery).
The trouble with Sigmund was the place he happened to be living in, a drafty, crenelated deformity overlooking a cold little lake in the Bavarian Alps. Parts of it must have dated back to the fall of Rome. That was where Sigmund brought her.
She had got the idea somewhere that she was part Jewish. Things in Germany by then, as everyone knows, were very bad. Margherita was terrified of being “found out.” She heard Gestapo in every puff of air that slipped in, among any of a thousand windways of dilapidation. Sigmund spent whole nights trying to talk it away. He was no better at it than Rollo. It was around this time that her symptoms began.
However psychogenic these pains, tics, hives and nauseas, her suffering was real. Acupuncturists came down by Zeppelin from Berlin, showing up in the middle of the night with little velvet cases full of gold needles. Viennese analysts, Indian holy men, Baptists from America trooped in and out of Sigmund’s castle, stage-hypnotists and Colombian curanderos slept on the rug in front of the fireplace. Nothing worked. Sigmund grew alarmed, and before long as ready as Margherita to hallucinate. Probably it was she who suggested Bad Karma. It had a reputation that summer for its mud, hot and greasy mud with traces of radium, jet black, softly bubbling. Ah. Anyone who’s been sick in that way can imagine her hope. That mud would cure anything. Where was anybody that summer before the War? Dreaming. The spas that summer, the summer Ensign Morituri came to Bad Karma, were crowded with sleepwalkers. Nothing for him to do at the Embassy. They suggested a holiday till September. He should have known something was up, but he only went on holiday to Bad Karma—spent the days drinking Pilsener Urquelle in the cafe by the lake in the Pavilion Park. He was a stranger, half the time drunk, silly beer-drunk, and he hardly spoke their language. But what he saw must have been going on all over Germany. A premeditated frenzy.
This is a similar process to what Slothrop goes through in the Abreaction Ward, when under sodium amytal ("truth serum") and the supervision of psychoanalysts, Slothrop explores the parts of his unconscious that he has repressed, including his feelings towards race and homosexuality.
PISCES: We want to talk some more about Boston today, Slothrop. You recall that we were talking last time about the Negroes, in Roxbury. Now we know it’s not all that comfortable for you, but do try, won’t you. Now—where are you, Slothrop? Can you see anything?
Slothrop: Well no, not see exactly...
By the presence of Red (Malcolm X) in the scene where Slothrop flees the black men at the jazz club trying to rape him down the toilet (which leads through a trip not only through Slothrop's own unconscious racism but also through the repressed histories, all the Preterite lost and forgotten.
Either he lets the harp go, his silver chances of song, or he has to follow. Follow? Red, the Negro shoeshine boy, waits by his dusty leather seat. The Negroes all over wasted Roxbury wait. Follow? “Cherokee” comes wailing up from the dance floor below, over the hi-hat, the string bass, the thousand sets of feet where moving rose lights suggest not pale Harvard boys and their dates, but a lotta dolled-up redskins. The song playing is one more lie about white crimes. But more musicians have floundered in the channel to “Cherokee” than have got through from end to end.
Here, among other things, if we consider Slothrop's mouth harp a (Rilke-referencing) metaphor, in part, for Pynchon's own tools of artistry, I feel like these floundering musicians can be seen as other writers who have not come to terms with the darkest parts of history, and thus their own unconscious. And the decision to delve into these things as an artist necessitates exposing one's own unconscious repressions, which causes you to be in a vulnerable position - particularly since They like to use these aspects of people to control them, as with Prentice and the drawing of the Scorpia Mossmoon lookalike he is given to activate the Kryptosam. In Pynchon's case, this means exposing his own racism and homophobia:
If Slothrop follows that harp down the toilet it’ll have to be headfirst, which is not so good, cause it leaves his ass up in the air helpless, and with Negroes around that’s just what a fella doesn’t want, his face down in some fetid unknown darkness and brown fingers, strong and sure, all at once undoing his belt, unbuttoning his fly, strong hands holding his legs apart—and he feels the cold Lysol air on his thighs as down come the boxer shorts too, now, with the colorful bass lures and trout flies on them. He struggles to work himself farther into the toilet hole as dimly, up through the smelly water, comes the sound of a whole dark gang of awful Negroes come yelling happily into the white men’s room, converging on poor wriggling Slothrop, jiving around the way they do singing, “Slip the talcum to me, Malcolm!” [*] And the voice that replies is who but that Red, the shoeshine boy who’s slicked up Slothrop’s black patents a dozen times down on his knees jes poppin’ dat rag to beat the band... now Red the very tall, skinny, extravagantly conked redhead Negro shoeshine boy who’s just been “Red” to all the Harvard fellas—“Say Red, any of those Sheiks in the drawer?” “How ’bout another luck-changin’ phone number there, Red?”—this Negro whose true name now halfway down the toilet comes at last to Slothrop’s hearing—as a thick finger with a gob of very slippery jelly or cream comes sliding down the crack now toward his asshole, chevroning the hairs along like topo lines up a river valley—the true name is Malcolm, and all the black cocks know him, Malcolm, have known him all along—Red Malcolm the Unthinkable Nihilist sez, “Good golly he sure is all asshole ain’t he?” Jeepers Slothrop, what a position for you to be in! Even though he has succeeded in getting far enough down now so that only his legs protrude and his buttocks heave and wallow just under the level of the water like pallid domes of ice. Water splashes, cold as the rain outside, up the walls of the white bowl. “Grab him ’fo’ he gits away!” “Yowzah!” Distant hands clutch after his calves and ankles, snap his garters and tug at the argyle sox Mom knitted for him to go to Harvard in, but these insulate so well, or he has progressed so far down the toilet by now, that he can hardly feel the hands at all...
GR can be seen even as a process of abreaction that Pynchon underwent. If the rumours that he used drugs through writing it are true, then that would mean exposing things in him unconscious even to himself while writing it. Worth at this point also to note Jung's criticisms of Freud's use of abreaction, and thus the possible dangers of doing this.
Though traumata of clearly aetiological significance were occasionally present, the majority of them appeared very improbable. Many traumata were so unimportant, even so normal, that they could be regarded at most as a pretext for the neurosis. But what especially aroused my criticism was the fact that not a few traumata were simply inventions of fantasy and had never happened at all.
However, as Daoism asserts, light and darkness is in everything. For the Pavlovian Pointsman, who views things in binary, this is impossible to accept - the idea that for between every extreme - like black and white - lies a spectrum, a continuous rainbow. As Western humans understand things through this differentiation and analysis, this continuity causes an inherent conflict. Pointsman, the pure cause-and-effect man, the "Antimexico" (since Mexico, the statistician who thinks all can be explained through independent variables and probability distributions, takes the opposite position), says this on Daoist thinking early on.
“Pierre Janet —sometimes the man talked like an Oriental mystic. He had no real grasp of the opposites. ‘The act of injuring and the act of being injured are joined in the behavior of the whole injury.’ Speaker and spoken-of, master and slave, virgin and seducer, each pair most conveniently coupled and inseparable—The last refuge of the incorrigibly lazy, Mexico, is just this sort of yang-yin rubbish.
But by the end of Beyond the Zero, he's having a breakdown, as his unconscious is trying to tell him the truth of the Daoist wisdom he was so quick to reject in his scientific arrogance.
“Talking to myself, here. Little—sort of—eccentricity, heh, heh.”
“Yang and Yin,” whispers the Voice, “Yang and Yin... .”
With all that out of the way, the plot of what GR is actually about can perhaps begin to be discussed. I'm going to make a lot of assumptions here that many of the male characters are based on Pynchon himself. You may disagree with this approach, which is very understandable, given my total lack of evidence. My justification for it is the following passages from Slothrop's trip down the toilet:
Here now is Crutchfield or Crouchfield, the westwardman. Not “archetypical” westwardman, but the only. Understand, there was only one. There was only one Indian who ever fought him. Only one fight, one victory, one loss. And only one president, and one assassin, and one election. True. One of each of everything. You had thought of solipsism, and imagined the structure to be populated—on your level—by only, terribly, one. No count on any other levels. But it proves to be not quite that lonely. Sparse, yes, but a good deal better than solitary. One of each of everything’s not so bad. Half an Ark’s better than none.
Then slightly later on:
Isn’t there supposed to be only one of each?
A. Yes.
Q. Then one Indian girl...
A. One pure Indian. One mestiza. One criolla. [*] Then: one Yaqui. One Navaho. One Apache—
Q. Wait a minute, there was only one Indian to begin with. The one that Crutchfield killed.
A. Yes. Look on it as an optimization problem. The country can best support only one of each.
Q. Then what about all the others? Boston. London. The ones who live in cities. Are those people real, or what?
A. Some are real, and some aren’t.
Q. Well are the real ones necessary? or unnecessary?
A. It depends what you have in mind.
Q. Shit, I don’t have anything in mind.
A. We do.
However, given the extent to which Pynchon has managed to keep his life quiet, I'm aware that this assumption could be projection from me. I think might be by design of the book though:
“Pre cise-ly why,” leaps Rozsavolgyi, “we are now proposing, to give, Slothrop a com plete- ly dif-ferent sort, of test. We are now de sign- ing for him, a so called, ‘projec-tive’ test. The most famil-iar exam- ple of the type, is the Rorschach ink-blot. The ba- sic theory, is that when given an un struc-tured stimulus, some shape-less blob of exper-ience, the subject, will seek to impose, struc- ture on it. How, he goes a -bout struc-turing this blob, will reflect his needs, his hopes—will pro vide, us with clues, to his dreams, fan- tasies , the deepest re-gions of his mind.”
With those disclaimers out the way, here's what I think. I think Mexico is the "cheap nihilist" of Pynchon as a younger man, before he's delved into his own darkness, and still very much without belief in any sort of spiritualism:
“It makes no sense unless we also consider those who’ve passed over to the other side. We do transact with them, don’t we? Through specialists like Eventyr and their controls over there. But all together we form a single subculture, a psychical community, if you will.”
“I won’t,” Mexico says dryly, “but yes I suppose someone ought to be looking into it.”
Pointsman is his analytical side, obsessed with cause-and-effect, which eventually, he comes to realise, necessitates delving in the darkest regions of Slothrop's mind, but still obsessed with control, never losing control:
Sign and symptoms. Was Spectro right? Could Outside and Inside be part of the same field? If only in fairness... in fairness... Pointsman ought to be seeking the answer at the interface... oughtn’t he... on the cortex of Lieutenant Slothrop. The man will suffer—perhaps, in some clinical way, be destroyed—but how many others tonight are suffering in his name? For pity’s sake, every day in Whitehall they’re weighing and taking risks that make his, in this, seem almost trivial. Almost. There’s something here, too transparent and swift to get a hold on—Psi Section might speak of ectoplasms—but he knows that the time has never been better, and that the exact experimental subject is in his hands. He must seize now, or be doomed to the same stone hallways, whose termination he knows. But he must remain open—even to the possibility that the Psi people are right. “We may all be right,” he puts in his journal tonight, “so may be all we have speculated, and more. Whatever we may find, there can be no doubt that he is, physiologically, historically, a monster. We must never lose control. The thought of him lost in the world of men, after the war, fills me with a deep dread I cannot extinguish...”
Prentice, the employee, the seasoned intelligence veteran, strikes me as a maturation from Pynchon's earlier Mexico phase, into a more realistic and experienced person and, by the time he gets into the Counterforce, "activist". This could be projection but given that the book was written from around the mid-60s until 1973, and how much changed in that time, I feel like this could be based on his own experiences with political activism in California around that time. Might be totally wrong about that, but I just got that impression from reading the weird "interview" towards the end of the book with the Wall Street Journal between the interviewer and the "spokesman for the Counterforce". Who knows, read it again and see what you think.
And Slothrop, the experimental subject, is a model of Pynchon himself, rather than a differentiated portion of his own psyche which he turned into a character.
So, what I think is going on:
PISCES is using Slothrop (conditioned by Jamf) to exploit the racism of the Germans in psychological warfare with the whole Schwarzkommando thing. Pointsman is following his own pathological drive to analyse every facet of Slothrop's psyche. This includes Bloat taking photographs of Slothrop's map of girls linked to rockets, which we find out later might partly be falsified, which I interpret perhaps as Pynchon's recognition of his own attempt to impose his sexual interpretation system onto the world at large - interestingly something touched on early on in Bleeding Edge, though I can't find the passage right now, he quietly references the sexual hysterias of youth or something like that.
Prentice is an employee of the Firm, a greater They than either PISCES or Pointsman, using his ability to have other people's fantasies, notionally for Pointsman, but really for some even grander scheme. This is reflected in the discussion of the message which Prentice picks up from the rocket which he and Slothrop see at the beginning of the book. From the Kryptosam message with the Scorpia lookalike:
Slowly then, a revelation through the nacreous film of his seed, in Negro-brown, comes his message: put in a simple Nihilist transposition whose keywords he can almost guess. Most of it he does in his head. There is a time given, a place, a request for help. He burns the message, fallen on him from higher than Earth’s atmosphere, salvaged from Earth’s prime meridian, keeps the picture, hmm, and washes his hands. His prostate is aching. There is more to this than he can see. He has no recourse, no appeal: he has to go over there and bring the operative out again. The message is tantamount to an order from the highest levels.
This "highest orders" thing can be compared with Slothrop seeing the hand of God pointing down at him.
There is in his history, and likely, God help him, in his dossier, a peculiar sensitivity to what is revealed in the sky. (But a hardon?) On the old schist of a tombstone in the Congregational churchyard back home in Mingeborough, Massachusetts, [*] the hand of God emerges from a cloud, the edges of the figure here and there eroded by 200 years of seasons’ fire and ice chisels at work, and the inscription reading:
In Memory of Constant
Slothrop, who died March
ye 4th 1766, in ye 29th
year of his age.
Death is a debt to nature due,
Which I have paid, and so must you.
6:43:16 BDST—in the sky right now here is the same unfolding, just about to break through, his face deepening with its light, everything about to rush away and he to lose himself, just as his countryside has ever proclaimed... slender church steeples poised up and down all these autumn hillsides, white rockets about to fire, only seconds of countdown away, rose windows taking in Sunday light, elevating and washing the faces above the pulpits defining grace, swearing this is how it does happen—yes the great bright hand reaching out of the cloud...
I think Pynchon recognised that with his unique abilities, perception, intelligence, and even privilege, it was his duty to delve into these hidden histories and play his role in bringing about this integration of the darkest levels of the unconscious. But Beyond the Zero is all about systems, and as Pynchon is well aware all systems are inherently limited because there are irrational elements in the world. So after this we have the briefer section in the Casino Hermann Goering, where the role of chance - or fate, depending on your interpretation - is recognised, and systems are examined, particularly language systems, like the drinking game Prince. So after that, with the third part, In the Zone, I think he may have been using drugs and various other techniques to bring out unconscious things in himself, to get past these conscious systems. And then completed with the Tarot reading performed at the end, where it says "here are the cards, exactly as they came up" - I think it's very possible that he did an actual Tarot reading at this point. Maybe I'm wrong about this though, I don't want to make too many assumptions given the lack of information we really have on him. If that thing with the drugs is true, it would explain that infamous quote Jules Seigal attributed to him, "I was so fucked up while I was writing it... that now I go back over some of those sequences and I can't figure out what I could have meant." But it's unclear whether that quote is real or not.
How does this play into politics? I've written far too much already, but I'll just leave things with a couple more quotes and the observation that the final part, the Counterforce, contains some very valid criticisms of the countercultural movement as it manifested in the 60s through 70s. There's this critical passage when Enzian is motorbiking around the Zone, high on Pervitins, and realises that everything has come together for this. There's definitely a sense that Pynchon is acknowledging here the importance of his work, the fact it has done things that no other book had before. But in it too there's also, in it, the mocking of the temptation to view everything as an ordered conspiracy, and not acknowledge the non-rational and non-causal forces also at work, and mocking of his own self-seriousness.
There doesn’t exactly dawn, no but there breaks, as that light you’re afraid will break some night at too deep an hour to explain away—there floods on Enzian what seems to him an extraordinary understanding. This serpentine slagheap he is just about to ride into now, this ex-refinery, Jamf Ölfabriken Werke AG, is not a ruin at all. It is in perfect working order. Only waiting for the right connections to be set up, to be switched on... modified, precisely, deliberately by bombing that was never hostile, but part of a plan both sides—”sides?” —had always agreed on... yes and now what if we—all right, say we are supposed to be the Kabbalists out here, say that’s our real Destiny, to be the scholar-magicians of the Zone, with somewhere in it a Text, to be picked to pieces, annotated, explicated, and masturbated till it’s all squeezed limp of its last drop... well we assumed—natürlich!—that this holy Text had to be the Rocket, orururumo orunene the high, rising, dead, the blazing, the great one (“orunene” is already being modified by the Zone-Herero children to “omunene,” the eldest brother)... our Torah. What else? Its symmetries, its latencies, the cuteness of it enchanted and seduced us while the real Text persisted, somewhere else, in its darkness, our darkness... even this far from Südwest we are not to be spared the ancient tragedy of lost messages, a curse that will never leave us... . But, if I’m riding through it, the Real Text, right now, if this is it... or if I passed it today somewhere in the devastation of Hamburg, breathing the ashdust, missing it completely... if what the IG built on this site were not at all the final shape of it, but only an arrangement of fetishes, come-ons to call down special tools in the form of 8th AF bombers yes the “Allied” planes all would have been, ultimately, IG-built, by way of Director Krupp, through his English interlocks—the bombing was the exact industrial process of conversion, each release of energy placed exactly in space and time, each shock-wave plotted in advance to bring precisely tonight’s wreck into being thus decoding the Text, thus coding, recoding, redecoding the holy Text... If it is in working order, what is it meant to do? The engineers who built it as a refinery never knew there were any further steps to be taken. Their design was “finalized,” and they could forget it. It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted... secretly, it was being dictated instead by the needs of technology... by a conspiracy between human beings and techniques, by something that needed the energy-burst of war, crying, “Money be damned, the very life of [insert name of Nation] is at stake,” but meaning, most likely, dawn is nearly here, I need my night’s blood, my funding, funding, ahh more, more... . The real crises were crises of allocation and priority, not among firms—it was only staged to look that way—but among the different Technologies, Plastics, Electronics, Aircraft, and their needs which are understood only by the ruling elite...
Yes but Technology only responds (how often this argument has been iterated, dogged and humorless as a Gaussian reduction, among the younger Schwarzkommando especially), “All very well to talk about having a monster by the tail, but do you think we’d’ve had the Rocket if someone, some specific somebody with a name and a penis hadn’t wanted to chuck a ton of Amatol 300 miles and blow up a block full of civilians? Go ahead, capitalize the T on technology, deify it if it’ll make you feel less responsible—but it puts you in with the neutered, brother, in with the eunuchs keeping the harem of our stolen Earth for the numb and joyless hardens of human sultans, human elite with no right at all to be where they are—”
We have to look for power sources here, and distribution networks we were never taught, routes of power our teachers never imagined, or were encouraged to avoid... we have to find meters whose scales are unknown in the world, draw our own schematics, getting feedback, making connections, reducing the error, trying to learn the real function... zeroing in on what incalculable plot?
Up here, on the surface, coaltars, hydrogenation, synthesis were always phony, dummy functions to hide the real, the planetary mission yes perhaps centuries in the unrolling... this ruinous plant, waiting for its Kabbalists and new alchemists to discover the Key, teach the mysteries to others...
And if it isn’t exactly Jamf Ölfabriken Werke? what if it’s the Krupp works in Essen, what if it’s Blohm & Voss right here in Hamburg or another make-believe “ruin,” in another city? Another country? YAAAGGGGHHHHH!
Well, this is stimulant talk here, yes Enzian’s been stuffing down Nazi surplus Pervitins these days like popcorn at the movies, and by now the bulk of the refinery—named, incidentally, for the famous discoverer of Oneirine—is behind them, and Enzian is on into some other paranoid terror, talking, talking, though each man’s wind and motor cuts him off from conversation.
Some words of wisdom from the seasoned veteran Prentice:
“You’re a novice paranoid, Roger,” first time Prentice has ever used his Christian name and it touches Roger enough to check his tirade. “Of course a well-developed They-system is necessary—but it’s only half the story. For every They there ought to be a We. In our case there is. Creative paranoia means developing at least as thorough a We-system as a They-system—”
“Wait, wait, first where’s the Haig and Haig, be a gracious host, second what is a ‘They-system,’ I don’t pull Chebychev’s Theorem on you, do I?”
“I mean what They and Their hired psychiatrists call ‘delusional systems.’
Needless to say, ‘delusions’ are always officially defined. We don’t have to worry about questions of real or unreal. They only talk out of expediency. It’s the system that matters. How the data arrange themselves inside it. Some are consistent, others fall apart. Your idea that Pointsman sent Gloaming takes a wrong fork. Without any contrary set of delusions—delusions about ourselves, which I’m calling a We-system—the Gloaming idea might have been all right—”
“Delusions about ourselves?”
“Not real ones.”
“But officially defined.”
“Out of expediency, yes.”
“Well, you’re playing Their game, then.”
“Don’t let it bother you. You’ll find you can operate quite well. Seeing as we haven’t won yet, it isn’t really much of a problem.”
Roger is totally confused.
And finally, amid all this darkness, in a superlatively dark book, some hope at last, to hold onto, that makes life worth living, and why I think that despite what many say, GR is not a nihilistic work at all (Tchitcherine, the born nihilist, is almost a parody of this position). It starts with Slothrop's awakening to nature:
Trees, now—Slothrop’s intensely alert to trees, finally. When he comes in among trees he will spend time touching them, studying them, sitting very quietly near them and understanding that each tree is a creature, carrying on its individual life, aware of what’s happening around it, not just some hunk of wood to be cut down. Slothrop’s family actually made its money killing trees, amputating them from their roots, chopping them up, grinding them to pulp, bleaching that to paper and getting paid for this with more paper. “That’s really insane.” He shakes his head. “There’s insanity in my family.” He looks up. The trees are still. They know he’s there. They probably also know what he’s thinking. “I’m sorry,” he tells them. “I can’t do anything about those people, they’re all out of my reach. What can I do?” A medium-size pine nearby nods its top and suggests, “Next time you come across a logging operation out here, find one of their tractors that isn’t being guarded, and take its oil filter with you. That’s what you can do.”
And then, after Slothrop's harp makes its trip down the toilet, and through all of the darkness of the book until that point, where does it next show up? After he draws a rocket mandala, scrawls Rocketman was here on a wall, after the sequence with the Magician using black magic and a mandrake to multiply money, and a delegate from the Committee on Idiopathic Archetypes shows up to visit:
Crosses, swastikas, Zone-mandalas, how can they not speak to Slothrop? He’s sat in Säure Bummer’s kitchen, the air streaming with kif moires, reading soup recipes and finding in every bone and cabbage leaf paraphrases of himself... news flashes, names of wheelhorses that will pay him off enough for a certain getaway... . He used to pick and shovel at the spring roads of Berkshire, April afternoons he’s lost, “Chapter 81 work,” they called it, following the scraper that clears the winter’s crystal attack-from-within, its white necropolizing... picking up rusted beer cans, rubbers yellow with preterite seed, Kleenex wadded to brain shapes hiding preterite snot, preterite tears, newspapers, broken glass, pieces of automobile, days when in superstition and fright he could make it all fit, seeing clearly in each an entry in a record, a history: his own, his winter’s, his country’s... instructing him, dunce and drifter, in ways deeper than he can explain, have been faces of children out the train windows, two bars of dance music somewhere, in some other street at night, needles and branches of a pine tree shaken clear and luminous against night clouds, one circuit diagram out of hundreds in a smudged yellowing sheaf, laughter out of a cornfield in the early morning as he was walking to school, the idling of a motorcycle at one duskheavy hour of the summer... and now, in the Zone, later in the day he became a crossroad, after a heavy rain he doesn’t recall, Slothrop sees a very thick rainbow here, a stout rainbow cock driven down out of pubic clouds into Earth, green wet valleyed Earth, and his chest fills and he stands crying, not a thing in his head, just feeling natural...
And later:
Slothrop moseys down the trail to a mountain stream where he’s left his harp to soak all night, wedged between a couple of rocks in a quiet pool. ... Through the flowing water, the holes of the old Hohner Slothrop found are warped one by one, squares being bent like notes, a visual blues being played by the clear stream.
There are harpmen and dulcimer players in all the rivers, wherever water moves. Like that Rilke prophesied,
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say: I flow.
To the rushing water speak: I am.
It is still possible, even this far out of it, to find and make audible the spirits of lost harpmen. Whacking the water out of his harmonica, reeds singing against his leg, picking up the single blues at bar 1 of this morning’s segment, Slothrop, just suckin’ on his harp, is closer to being a spiritual medium than he’s been yet, and he doesn’t even know it.
There's hope after all, and I think it's reflected in how much more positive all his later works have been. Thanks so much for reading, I hope it was at least vaguely interesting, not too much of an unstructured ramble. Also, this is such a great subreddit, really I love the community here. My very best to you all!
submitted by pynchon_as_activist to ThomasPynchon [link] [comments]

2018 Album of the Year #24: Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino

Artist: Arctic Monkeys Album: Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino Released: May 11th, 2018 Listen: Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube

THE LUNAR SURFACE (Where It All Started)

The year is 2016, Alex Turner has returned home from 30th birthday celebrations to discover a brand-new Steinway Vetregrand piano. It was a gift from his manager, and it opened a whole new world for him. “Looking back now it seems really... significant. It changed everything really.” He states about it within an interview from Mojo Magazine. He was correct. The piano sparked everything to life becoming the “centre of the universe” for the album. Guitars were just not giving him ideas anymore, but the piano was. Stored in a spare bedroom within his LA home, this became “The Lunar Surface” his almost makeshift recording studio. The name coming from the theory that Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing. Alex even stating to Radio X that, “It was amusing to say, “I’m going down to the Lunar Surface.”” The makeshift studio also helped shape the album title, it was “instrumental” to the process. But the piano wasn’t the only thing within the makeshift studio. There was a drum kit, a Vox Continental organ, and a Tascam 388 eight-track recorder. The eight-track recorder would serve as a substantial part in making the album. “I sat with all my instruments and recorded the songs into the machine. That way, I could hear everything at once, whereas in the past it was all in my imagination until I could play the songs with the band.” He also considered it “a writing tool” as much as a recording tool. Working in isolation, he recorded tapes that would later remain on the record in forms of elements such as vocals and various instrumental parts. The eight-track even served as part of the album cover with the “lobby model” of the Hotel + Casino sitting overtop of it, with an earlier version of the record as the tape on it. The model itself was constructed by Turner. The model itself was birthed from the album title and the fact that this is the 6th Arctic Monkeys album. Thus, explaining the hexagon imagery, 1 side per album. The model first started as cardboard, left over scraps from this model can be seen in a photo from inside the Lunar Surface shot by Zackery Michael. Then it was built more and more until we arrived at the model showcased on the album’s cover. The model has a rotating sign bit that was inspired by the House of Pies rotating sign.


Upon assembling some of the track, Alex took them to fellow bandmate, guitarist Jamie Cook. Jamie is considered the “gatekeeper” to band, almost like the human bullshit meter. Alex almost feared that he would underwhelmed with it. But Jamie was the one told Alex, “This is definitely what we should be doing.” This led to the pair adding guitar parts to the songs. The majority of these, like the demo tape vocals, stuck with the album. From here they took the album to Vox Recording Studios on Melrose Ave. in LA, in May 2017. This is where the first full band sessions were recorded. Some of the “more interesting” keyboard sounds within the album came from these sessions. But this did not really work out for the band. So, later in September, the band went to La Frette Studios, a residential recording studio on the outskirts of Paris. This was where the album really came together. The band spent about 5-6 weeks recording here. This was Jamie’s idea. La Frette ended up seeing the band bring in an extra 9 musicians to play with them. This also led to a ‘Pet Sounds’ style of recording. This was a large ensemble recording style with these multiple musicians and the band themselves on multiple different instruments including multiple of the same type. So, 2 drum kits, 3 guitars, a couple of pianos. This did not work for every track but did work for a few. (Specifically, The Ultracheese, but I will talk about this more later) Alex stated to BBC Radio 1 that, “A lot of the energy I feel like came from that session. It was all like together in La Frette.” Some of the La Frette sessions can be seen in the Warp Speed Chic short film shot by Ben Chappell.

THE ALBUM (Natural Progression and Influences)

The album overall is 11 tracks. Many believe that the album is a concept album revolving around the Hotel + Casino, but that is not the case. Each one is a “short story” in the words of Turner. Four Out Of Five and the title tracking being the most connected of the collection. "But in other ways it does seem like a collection of short stories and we named the collection after one of the stories which is this one [Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino]. The other ones belong in the same place as this." (Radio X Track by Track interview). The title of the album itself came from a variety of things. The two most prominent being: the fact it is a “place”, and the location of the Apollo 11 moon landing. One thing should be known about the idea of the hotel and casino being a place, Turner loves to think of albums of places. “I think of some of my favorite records as places that you can go and stay for a while, and sort of spurred me on to give this record the name of a place.” (iHeart) The other part of the name itself coming from the Apollo 11 landing may be considered more interesting. This is due to the fact it may have come from cups themed with the lunar landing. The title of course is not the only interesting thing about the album. The sound itself is a departure from their last, AM. But the band all feel like this was natural progression. But the AM era was where they felt they had went a little too far. Bassist Nick O’Malley told Mojo Magazine that he felt that they had lost the “realness” in a sense with that era. “I think we'd gone as far as we could go. I had these crazy ‘80s hair metal leggings on-stag. I'd worn ‘em on Halloween, which I'd done dressed as Macho Man Randy Savage, the WWF wrestler. That was a big sign that it was time to have a break.” And with that they took a break, a five year long one. Turner himself was also aware that he could not do what he did on AM again, “I was aware of the idea that, I don’t think I could have been singing about the things I was singing about on AM anymore.” (Studio Brussels) This was not the first time the band has faced this “challenge” of switching it up. The same thing had happened with their 3rd album Humbug. Drummer Matt Helders states, “We’ve had that challenge before, after the first album success where we had to just get on and make the second, or else forever be dwelling on it. But this one didn’t feel like that. I mean, maybe there’ll be fans we gained from AM that will be a bit confused now. Like, that was their first experience of the band... ‘and now they’re going this?’” (Mojo Magazine) But the band did not want to make AM 2.0. Guitarist Jamie Cook stated to Mojo Magazine, “If we were worried about that we would never have made Humbug. And to disappear for a couple of years then come back with AM2? I think people have been, ‘Fuck off.’” But of course, this move was not met without criticism. Many fans and critics found themselves in a state of “What the fuck happened to Arctic Monkeys?” upon their new era and album due to the departure of sound from AM. But Turner himself does not see this a full-fledged departure, “There’s an idea that this album’s radically removed from where we’ve been. I can sort of see that, but I don’t think it’s as much of a move as people suggest.” (LA Times)
The album takes multiple film influences, science fiction influences, and musical influences from film scores to help make these “short stories”. Science Fiction inspired Turner to explore other worlds to create the album. Worlds he made up as he went along. Three films from Jean-Pierre Melville served as main influences on the album. The films being Un Flic, Le Cercle Rouge, and Le Samouraï. The films mostly center around a jazz club. The set interiors of these films piqued Turner’s interest. “So, when I would sit at the piano and play these types of chords, I was thinking about those Melville interiors a lot.” (Pitchfork) Overall, the sci-fi influenced led to Turner accessing sort of a “vocabulary” to say, that helped paint this picture of this hotel and casino on the moon.
The album also has this “magic” that they just could not get upon other recording sessions. This led to many of the demo tapes and early session elements making it to the file cut. They wanted to make an intimate experience but just could not get it to be as intimate as some of the early recording.
The album itself is also “autobiographical” in a sense. Turner sees it as him talking to himself all throughout the 11 tracks. But this wasn’t his first time trying to write things towards himself. “I tried to write this kind of thing before, I just didn’t know how to, really. I think I tried and recognized, thankfully, that I wasn’t ready. It's like the natural place to have gone, after that first record, was somewhere around ‘ere.”


Opening the album, we have Star Treatment, an almost 6-minute-long track. The track itself beings with the line “I just wanted to be one of The Strokes.” A polarizing opening line for a polarizing album. This lyric was originally meant to be replaced, but Turner kept it in. He was using the “Scrambled Eggs” method for the album. The “Scrambled Eggs” method comes from Paul McCartney where he used “scrambled eggs” as temporary lyrics while writing The Beatles’ song ‘Yesterday’. This just happened to be one of those lines. But he took a liking to it the more time went on. The Strokes of course were a big influence on the band, they were even coined “The British Strokes” upon debut. But truth is, time has passed since then. About 12 years to be exact. “But when I circled back around to it I felt like it was right where it ought to be because of how it makes me think, “Shit. The last 12 years just flashed by.” There’s an honesty and a truth to it.” (Pitchfork) The passage of time is a constant theme within this track, with references to the ‘70s, the ‘80s. This track was the first thing Turner had written for the album. It came about during the last run of The Last Shadow Puppets (Turner’s side-project with Miles Kane). But this is also the most direct Turner was with himself on the album. Specifically, about songwriting. Lines like “The golden boy’s in bad shape,” refer to the fact he was lost with his songwriting and did not know where to go. But like how the track had started before the album itself had started, there’s a particular line that had existed since 2009. “Here ain’t no place for dolls like you and me,” That was the line. He had tried giving it away to others to put in a track, but no one would take it. So, he saved it because he didn’t have “follow up” per say yet but found it within this track. Another focal point for the track is the lounge singer and his backing band. This lounge singer theme can be seen through, but this is where it starts. This is where the lounge singer gets the name for his band. “I think I like the idea that there would be a longue singer sat at a bar, overhearing somebody being cut off from having another martini and hearing them say “Who are you to cut me off? The martini police?” and then this lounge singer thinking “That would be a good name for my backing band.”” (Radio X) But this track serving as the opening track overall sets a tone for the album. Upon sharing the music with others, they decided this would be the best place to start the album, a way to get people to hear it first and foremost. The other way to do this would have been releasing it as a single. But they took what can be seen a controversial move in this era of streaming and singles being more prominent than albums to release no singles. Like how this track led to Turner writing the rest of the album, it leads you, the listener, into the rest of the album.
One Point Perspective is the shortest track on the album, but it does pack quite a bit of a punch. With the title coming from a filming style, specifically one used a lot by Stanley Kubrick, a main influence on the album, we dig a bit more into the sci-fi roots. The track itself focuses on conversations, dreams, and how they are often interrupted. “It was informed perhaps by conversations I may have heard or been involved with. Under the influence of some narcotic draft or another. And fragments of those things are appearing the lyrics on this tune.” (Radio X) The track also focuses briefly on a made-up documentary called “Singsong ‘Round the Money Tree”. “I think specifically in the case of this documentary, there was something else there. And it came from the “If I’m gonna end up singing to a quiet room, like what comes before that.” Perhaps someone had told me they’d been singing along to a score or something.” (Radio X) Of course this brings us to the quiet rooms. What exactly are the quiet rooms? Well they’re exactly what they sound like, literal quiet rooms. But they also refer to isolation experienced by Turner while recording the album. With the vocal takes, especially the early tape ones, it would just be him, alone in the Lunar Surface with his eight-track. Of course, there’s also the line “Bear with me, man, I lost my train of thought.” This one is followed by a pause in the vocals and is usually played up for the live shows, but it represents that spot in a conversation where you really do lose your train of thought. Maybe it’s your mind wandering, maybe it’s that you are being interrupted and then trying to resume what you were talking about but forgot. But, it’s a universal feeling that ties together this track.
American Sports is an interesting track. Not just musically, but lyrically. Music wise an organ plays a main part in the track. The organ though was strangely organized upon recording. With Turner doing one bar, recording it, stopping, doing another bar. Eventually in later recording sessions they attempted to play it all together but just could not get the same effect/sound as the one from the eight-track tape, so they stuck with that. The vocals were also from the eight-track tape. Lyrical wise the track was pulled together by a line given to Turner from his grandfather. “I visited me Granddad one day and he said to me, ‘You know, I often think of phrases even there that I think you might be able to do something with.’ And I sort of went ‘All right.’ He likes to watch the horse-racing, and he began to tell me that whenever there’s what’s called a ‘steward’s inquiry,’- All you ever hear back after the steward’s inquiry is the phrase ‘the trainer's explanation was accepted by the steward.’ Which, as he said it I just thought was loaded.” (iHeart) This was what sparked the rest of the track. But there’s one question left, what the fuck is Lola? Well, a Lola is his writer’s block. Seen within the chorus with the line “And I never thought, not in a million years, that I’d meet so many Lolas.” He gives the writer’s block a bit of a personification. The track also gives us more callbacks to technology, another overlapping theme within the album. The narrator describes a video call with God, and a virtual reality mask stuck on ‘Parliament Brawl’. The parliament brawl also allows this track to get a little political. This can be seen heavily within the first line of the second verse, “Breaking news, they take the truth and make it fluid,” mostly referring to the phenomena of ‘Fake News’. Overall, the track makes for an interesting take combining writer’s block, political problems, and technology.
The title track serves as the fourth track to the album. Opening with imagery of Jesus in a day spa. But the track itself is built upon the idea of the character Mark. Mark of course is a character in the track who answers phones, mostly stating the name of the hotel and casino while asking where he can direct your call. First Turner pictured Mark at this phone, then he pictured where the phone was after that. This led of course to the album title, but it also leads back into the track itself. This of course is played off well in the video, but we’ll get to that in a bit. As the track builds you a bit more of this world of the hotel and casino on the moon, it also leads to some interesting lines. One in particular being “Kiss me underneath the moon’s sideboob.” Question of the year being, what the fuck is the moon’s sideboob? Well, the term was coined by guitarist Jamie Cook. “There was a really thin crescent moon in the sky, which Jamie from the band described as the moon's sideboob and I thought that was like quite profound.” (Studio Brussel) Another odd line within the track is “Technological advances really bloody get me in the mood”, this is a bit of a satire. But is also a slight observation. This observation being that technology sometimes changes society, especially when advances are made. These changes can be reflected in the way we talk to others, the way we act, and many other aspects of our life that we may not fully realize at first. For the record though, technological advances do not turn him on.
Onto the video, this was the second single from the album, and the second video. The video was released on the 23rd of July. Directed by Ben Chappell and Aaron Brown, the video continues an overlapping Kubrick inspired theme. Unfortunately, Turner is the only one from the band who fully makes an appearance in the video. The others are briefly shown through footage from their BCC Maida Vale Studios session appearing on displays though out the “sets”. Throughout this video there’s sections where the track and video break a bit for some flashing red lights followed by some “doots” taking over the audio, like the Four Out of Five video. The video was filmed at the Peppermill Reno, a hotel and casino within Las Vegas, Nevada. The Peppermill Reno were nice enough to write a blog post about the video breaking down the locations of the video. The video took two days of film to shoot within the area. The first location they filmed at was the Fireside Longue. This is the first time Turner, playing out the character of Mark, is handed a phone. The phone was handed to him by a worker from the Café Milano within the hotel and casino. Two different suites are featured throughout the video. The first being the Safari Adventure Suite. This is home to many of the hot tub scenes. The other being the Roman Opulence suite, this was the all gold room. There’s also the elevator shots that came from the 17th floor elevators. The wandering around the hotel and casino shots, mostly shot within the cube bar and the island buffet. And some phone call answering with the Tuscany Tower’s courtesy phone. There’s one other particular phone scene within this video I decided to save for last due the fact that it is going to come up a bit later. The second phone call is answered within a replica of the 1966 Batmobile via the Batphone. This serves as a nice callback to one of the later tracks on the album titled, Batphone. During these shots he also is fake driving with a projected image of a tunnel in the background, this also comes up in the Four Out of Five video, but we’ll get into that on that track.
Believe it or not this the “love song” on the album. Yeah. The track is described by Turner as being a conversation between him and an unnamed female character he is falling for. But that all gets overshadowed by the semi-titular line, “The leader of the free world, reminds you of a wrestler wearing tight golden trunks.” The line does steal the show for being out there in a sense. The beginning of the line is a bit cumbersome to say the least, but it is almost melodic in another sense via the delivery. But this overall is just another part of the conversation with this female character. It may even be part of her imagination, you know, something she’s saying. Almost giving us a retrospective into her thoughts, feelings, and sense of humor. This all leads towards the bridge of the track. “Bendable figures with a fresh new pack of lies, Summat else to publicise, I'm sure you've heard about enough.” Almost showing us how fast the conversation is moving along. But also showing that you get to a point where you don’t know what to believe in the conversation or really what to believe in the track. The bridge also brings another interesting point forward. The words in particular, ‘Bendable Figures’ was almost the track’s title. “Which was because, someone got me a toy Batmobile, and it came with bendable figures of Batman and Robin, I assume, among others possibly. I’ve made a bit of a name for me since, and I mean, I am a fan of the old Batman book. I remember looking at this box and on the box it said ‘bendable figures’ and I don’t know. The news might have been on in the background, and here we are.” (iHeart) Another interesting point of the track is how straight the narrator and this female character are with each other. They both are basically telling each other that they fantasize about each other. She says it by whispering in his ear, he says it by responding to her straightly.
Another track with an interesting open, this one was originally different lyric-wise. Originally the words were ‘Karaoke and raspberry beret, in imaginative ways, and I get signed right then and there by a hotshot executive / I wasn’t expecting it that easy.’ Quite a departure from the final version that appears on the track. Four Out of Five served as the first single to the album. The track describes a taqueria on the roof the Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino, and more particularly how it is boasting four stars out of five. Mostly just how perfect scores are unattainable so a four of five is great enough, “Because the people that are in charge of giving the scores, they never give a perfect hundred.” (Beats 1) The taqueria itself is named “The Information-Action Ratio” this comes from Neil Postman's book ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’. “I was attracted to the idea as soon as I heard that phrase; even though it was in this book from [1985] it still seemed relevant—more relevant than it probably was when the guy made it up.” (Pitchfork) The phrase itself explains that we don’t need the vast amount of information we receive and that we don’t do much about this information. But it’s a great name for a taqueria on the roof of a hotel and casino on the moon. The track itself also gives us more of the story about the hotel itself. Mostly its location, other than the moon itself. We learn that the entire moon is getting gentrified due to an exodus. There’s also a really cool play musically where the last chorus literally is lifted up another semitone after it’s said at the end of the bridge.
Onto the video for this one, the Kubrick fantasy filming begins here. Directed by Ben Chappell and Aaron Brown, the video was released on the 13th of May. The video was filmed at the Castle Howard in Yorkshire and the Munich Marienplatz station in Munich, Germany. The video starts with Turner playing a piano but then stopping to go look at the model of the hotel and casino. Throughout this video there’s sections where the track and video break a bit for some flashing red lights followed by some “doots” taking over the audio. Then, the video sees Turner taking the role of a director for some “Video Lifestyle Packages” for the hotel and casino. But it also gives us two different Turners. One with a beard, one without. The two doing seemingly parallel tasks within different areas. The other band members are also seen within the video, mostly jamming out. Especially with the nice little jam session with beardless Turner in the end. Due to the fact there’s two seemingly different Turners this has led to fan theories surrounding the video. Some stating that maybe the hotel and casino is some cover up for a mental hospital, another stating that maybe it’s both sides of his life (regulaprofessional). Assistants are also seen throughout the video setting up sets and other things, almost as if this was a film set. There’s also one scene in particular I’d like to touch on, the car scenes. This one is a bit important because it almost calls back the “haunt you via the rear-view mirror” line from Star Treatment. This scene was originally intended to be used in a video for Star Treatment, but they used it here instead. Overall, the video a bit of a visual treat with its cues from Stanley Kubrick and was more than a fitting visual return for Arctic Monkeys going into this era.
Yeah that’s a title to get your attention. The title comes from the actual event of the world’s first ever monster truck front flip. This was something that had caught Turner’s interest and will probably catch yours too upon just reading it. Sure, he may have only watched the video once, but the headline itself was what caught his attention. Later on, he used it create the base for what he was imagining with the track. “I think I imagined a sort of old presidents’ men style news room with just enough men in there. And sorta trying to get the editors attention like “You'll never believe it, somebody's done it forwards” and I think going off in my mind, perhaps and I thought, I don't know... It seems like that's where were at now innit, that sort of things are happening." (Radio X) The track itself lyrically describes TECHNOLOGY. More specifically, how people love their devices. “You push the button and we’ll do the rest” a repeating line that refers to how we’ve gotten so far that you can just push a button, and something will happen. Whether it be something within an app or data storage. Data storage is another important theme within the track. Our data is being stored everywhere. The track uses the data storage as a metaphor in many ways, with things like someone trying to breach into it. But overall the track itself just shows us how technology is changing us, references to technology changing us lie throughout. But we also see a bit of a jab at how no one wants to explain what the technology is exactly doing, “There are things that I just cannot explain to you, and those that I hope I don’t ever have to.” This wraps everything back around because it ties into the theme of just pushing a button and having everything done for us. We don’t see the background process, we don’t know what exactly they do, we just know that we can push a button and it will be done.
True to the title, the track explores the themes of Science Fiction. Science Fiction is the “lobby model” of the album, as in it brings it all together. The track started with the idea of exploring Sci-Fi further and exploring worlds created from this, same with the album. One of the things in particular that sparked this was the Fassbinder film ‘World on a Wire’. Sci-Fi takes these themes and attempts to connect them to the real world and even Tranquility Base. Continuing the overarching theme of technology, this one takes the focus on how we’re viewing society due to technology, again. Making light touches on religion, we can see how in this “area” per say, science has won. But we also see how it feels like Sci-Fi is taking over in the form of a reality that feels strange and almost fictional at points. Technology keeps becoming a bigger part of our lives to the point where it almost disconnects us in a way. The narrator in this track wants to avoid that, he wants to stay within the life of his love. But it’s hard with things changing so much and society also changing. He states that he wants to make a “simple point” about peace and love but not too obviously. And this track almost feels like that point. But then it takes a bit of a turn at the end. We see the narrator take this back a bit and Turner begin to doubt if he’s wandering on too much with the track itself. “So, I tried to write a song to make you blush. But I’ve a feeling that the whole thing, may well just end up too clever for its own good.” Describing it as too clever shows that he feels like he’s overthinking it all. With a track with an almost double meaning like this it is a bit easy to understand why it may be “too clever”.
Ah yes, the rock and roll song of the record. Or well, the rock and roll without the roll. IT’S ALL ROCK MUSIC TO ALEX TURNER DAMMIT. This track has been described as frenzy but controlled. The structure of the track itself reflects that, “It goes like 3 verses in this tune before anything else changes. And I think like by that third one you get this sense of like you shouldn't be doing it again, it's time to move somewhere else. And eventually it does happen.” (Radio X) The main idea for this track came from the fact we almost create these “characters” within the virtual world. You know, your online presence through social media. The title itself is refrained throughout the track as the chorus and refers to how we just look a photo and decide what people are like. In this case the female titular character of the track is described to look like “fun”. Furthermore, this is joined but what may seem to be a non-sensical string of words. But, it’s meant to represent scrolling through a social feed like Instagram. “As far as the “cheeseburger” line, I was actually watching an episode of the show “High Maintenance,” and there’s a part where the person’s taking their picture with a cheeseburger and posting it and all this.” (Pitchfork) The verses focus more on the internet culture and the behavior of those within. Whether this behavior be something like a VR experience of New Year’s Eve at Bruce Wayne’s Manor or being a dickhead to someone. It’s about how we can almost do whatever we want with almost no restrictions in this virtual landscape. The bridge brings it to a point where we realize, it almost feels like everything is online nowadays. This follows by some lines of Turner criticizing himself for constantly talking about marital arts to people in bars. This mostly draws from Turner’s frequent kickboxing sessions. “Maybe sometimes I put stuff into a song to stop myself from doing it - I think I’m just realising that’s true. Like there’s a line in the middle of She Looks Like Fun about waffling on to strangers about martial arts in bars, and that was definitely something I was doing a lot of and was aware I needed to stop doing.” (Mojo Magazine) Also this marks the second time within the album where he says something regarding the music and it happens. This time being in the form of a key change. The last chorus features a key change that is in time with him stating it in the track.
The all mighty Batman comes into a focus theme upon this track! Okay... Barely. A “Batphone” in the sense of this track is a direct line to Turner via his phone. The track deals with analysis and criticism of technology all at once. Opening on Turner realizing that he can just use a search engine to find a more interesting word to describe what he’s trying to say. Which, it wasn’t always like this, there was a time where you’d have to go through whole thesauruses to find this interesting words or phrases. Now they’re just a click/tap/touch away. Moving along we see that the narrator in the track specifically is of high class, stating that there’s much to discuss over a game of golf. Of course, that is phrased better within the track itself but for simplicities sake I’m just going to leave it at that. Then he gets into the fact life is a “spectator sport”. Through social media we sit and watch other people’s lives unfold like watching a sport almost. Then we get to a line that may seem more polarizing that it is. “I launch my fragrance called ‘Integrity’ I sell the fact that I can’t be bought.” Upon hearing this line for the first time you may think “What the fuck kind of pretentious bullshit is this trying to be?” Well, that’s exactly where you’re wrong. The idea of a fragrance called ‘Integrity’ is literally just that. “With something like that, I can’t sit here and tell you I wanted to make some comment about integrity and my relationship to it, and then make a fucking perfume out of it and write a smart-ass line like that. It’s more like I see the shape of the letters of “integrity” on the perfume bottle in my mind’s eye—once you know what that font looks like, then it writes itself after that.” (Pitchfork) Yeah, the line came from the visualization of perfume literally called ‘Integrity’. (Which, hilariously, there is one now called that.) Back to the lyrics, we see Turner talk about how he got “sucked into a hole” through a handheld device, this means his phone. Of course, we do all get a bit sucked into our phones now and again. It happens. And now it’s easier than ever. This being due to things like updates to make it easier to access things. The glow of the low beams within this track may be the car lights of your lover. But we do know that he will be by the Batphone if you need to get a hold of him at all. With our phones so close to us at all times, it’s almost like we all have personal Batphones. Then we get into how phones have changed over time. Coining them as “re-decorated” with new lights and sidebars upon them changing. Back the chorus again we see Turner sitting in his living room, with blinds closed, watching the lights of cars going by, but knowing that he'd know those of the car of his lover. Ending upon the panoramic windows again. These are said to be “looking out across your soul”, this is simply just our phone screens. They’re glass, windows are glass. But we look and see things on display including our souls, you know, our lives. Thus, making your soul being put on display through these “windows”. Sure, it’s not just your own soul, there are other people in this world, but it’s important you know that it is yours first and foremost on display. Always remember, whatever you put online, others will see.
Our closing track is a something that could be called Turner’s “Default Position” at this rate. But that does not mean it’s a bad thing. This track in particular is one where we see the Pet Sounds influenced recording style come to life, with multiple drum kits, multiple guitars, and pianos within the recording. The track sees Turner reflect on his past and how things have changed overtime. The title comes from the fact that the track may be a bit too “Cheesy” for everyone except himself. Songwriting of course has changed over time the most for him, upon talking about old tracks he stated, “It feels like we’re doing a cover or something when we play the first album, really, but that’s fine. I don’t hate doing that. It’s just come to the point where I play ‘Mardy Bum’ or something like that and it doesn’t even feel like mine anymore.” (BeatRoute) He feels disconnected from his old lyrics, which is sad but true statement. Of course, this track also touches quickly upon the themes of technology and politics throughout the track. But overall, it’s more just a personal reflection upon everything. Turner even describes himself as not being deep in thought, even if it looks like he was. He’s just living his life, good or bad, it’s just how everything is going down. The track ends the album on the line “I’ve done some things that I shouldn’t have done, but I haven’t stopped loving you once.” We all have things we regret in our lives. Sometimes that shit gets us out of nowhere and ends up on our minds. But we also see Turner telling his lover that he just loves them throughout it. Throughout all the good, the bad, the dirty bullshit, he still loves them.

THE B-SIDE (Anyways)

Yeah I was not finishing this without talking about the B-Side that was released with the title track on the 7” single. The B-side is titled ‘Anyways’ and was cut from the album. “I had a song that didn’t make this record with lyrics that mentioned both Bing Crosby and Randy Newman. And I just thought, You can’t do that. You can have one or the other. Just fucking calm down! You don’t want to make a song too lumpy.” (Vulture) Anyways here means the topic of a conversation and trying to change it. The narrator keeps trying to change the conversation. This can be seen throughout the track with a change in subject seemingly every few lines. One minute talking about toga parties, the next asking about if Mum and Dad are doing well. It’s just topic after topic in this “race” to Anyways. Technology appears again, with a quick mention of oversharing, something that is prevalent throughout the world of social media. Going back the Four Out of Five video from earlier we have a quick mention of a double life. This of course being the public/personal personas or home/professional personas. Much of the rest of the track just shows Turner bearing his all out there for everyone to see and making light of this. “You sort of reveal a piece of something as you’re writing and recording it. Then you find what you’re attracted to, scribble away a bit more of the dust and discover a bit more of the picture. Gradually, it becomes what it is. Each time you reveal another bit of it, it commits you to take the next step.” (BeatRoute) Some argue that this would have made a more “fitting” close for the album than The Ultracheese, other argue that it could have fit in literally anywhere on the album. Overall, I’m just glad it did get released it in the end.


I first listened to the album when it leaked. Shit on me all you want but I was just so curious. The whole no singles thing intrigued me alongside the sci-fi theme. I was looking for something different and I found it with this album. At the time did I know this was going to be my album of the year? No. Fuck, I barely knew anything about AM at the time apart from Do I Wanna Know?. I coined it as something along the lines of “What Death of A Bachelor could should been.” Turner constantly describes this album as one where he wanted to take people to a place, to this imaginary hotel and casino, and I was taken there upon first listen. I felt like I was sitting, watching a longue singer belt out tunes about his life. Of course, now on the right night I can recreate that feeling, but not always. But the album has just stuck me. Sure, many upon first hearing it found it off putting, but I loved it since first listen. If anything, this album was what made me a fan. This is what me look at AM and go “There’s something here I was missing.” Sure, it did take me months to act upon that, but I’m glad I did. Do I know where AM are going to go next? No. I don’t think any of us really do anymore. This album proved how unpredictable it is to calculate Arctic Monkeys in a way. Maybe the next record will be guitar based again, maybe not. We’ll only know when it comes, no matter how far away that is.


  • 2018 Mercury Prize Nomination
  • Best Alternative Music Album (Grammy Awards)
Four Of Five:
  • Best Rock Performance (Grammy Awards)
submitted by ResIsByTheBatphone to popheads [link] [comments]


Hello Everyone!
So the Nitty Gritty Details first as always:
Sale Set Up
Going to go by timestamps for dibs, and will use the typical NIL system that most sales use. Please don’t ghost me, I really do not mind if you change your mind. And if you cannot commit to an item within 2 hours I will move to the next person- unless we have arrangements made via PM holding time wise.Don’t like my prices? Make me an offer, I am pretty flexible to a point, no lowballs, but a lot of the prices are a decent percent off retail already, so I may be firmer on some things price wise. REALLY THOUGH TRY ME YOU MAY BE SURPRISED :) Also it’s a lot of stuff to keep track of, so I apologize if it hasn’t been removed from the list right away if it’s been sold!
Shipping Starts at $3 and goes up by weight- depending how heavy or how much you buy we can probably come up with a bundle price for you. And I will try and get the shipping as cheap as possible- even if I have to send stuff separately or get creative lol.
Going to be shipping within the USA, but I have done a few Canada sales, and one to the Netherlands- so if you are International and really don’t mind the $$$ shipping let me know we can work something out. You would be responsible for any and all customs issues that arrive if they were to occur- so you are agreeing to that as well when you purchase internationally from me. Can also insure the package on request- you cover that too.
I take payments through Paypal only please. I prefer Friends and Family Payments, but if you would like Goods and Services Protection, then you would just cover the fees. If it is a lot of stuff you are buying and would like G&S I prefer to send you an invoice, you still cover fees. Please pay promptly so I can package up and get your goodies to you as fast as I can (unless we have agreed to other arrangements in PMs such as holding times and such)
I would more than likely mess it up completely so that will be 100% up to the purchaser.
Mods: Verification is tagged in sets of items- like I will tag the first thing out of a list of what the photo contains. Let me know if there are any no no’s in my post and I will fix it promptly.
ON TO THE GOODIES small wishlist on bottom
12/10 NEW!
*Drunk Elephant LaLa Retro Cream - BN $12
*Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask DS x2 BN $5 each
*Christophe Robin Cleansing Purifying Scrub DS x2 - BN $8 each
*Makeup Forever DS Shadow in 6RO1 (?) closed - BN $5
*FS UD 24/7 Glide on Velvet Eyeliner in Lush- BN $14
*Colourpop SSS in Posey and Cherries Jubilee - BN $5 each
*Colourpop Yes Please Palette BNIB- just came with powder stains on lid -$14
*Kat Von D Tattoo Brow in Light Brown BNIB- $12
*Bite mini Amuse Buche Lip in Fig and Meringue - $5 each
*Clinique Black Honey DS Lip- BN $6
*DS Grande Lips Lip Plumper - x2 BN $5 each
*Algenist Luminizing Drops in Rose- BN $20
*DS Benefit Watts Up - BN $7
*GlamGlow Glow Starter in Nude Glow - $5
*Milk Blur Stick DS - BN $4
*It cosmetics CC+ DS in Medium- BN $5
*Twirl Sample - usages shown: Fuller-$1.50 not so full- $1
*Chloe Sample - usage shown $0.50
*Betsey Johnson Too Too - usage shown $0.50
*DS Lady Gaga Born This Way - Brand new $4
*JLO Love Glow - usage shown, no cap $4
*BN Sample Size - $2 each
*Black Tulip - Nest Fine Fragrances x2
*California Clementine
*Tory Burch Love Relentlessly
Tools * Etude House LE Wonder Fun Park Face Brush Used a few times, in good shape- $4
*Forever 21 Heart Shaped Curlers - BN never used- $2
*Forever 21 Circle Shaped Curlers - BN never Used- $2
*Conair Mini On the Go Straightener - used only a few times, great condition -$6 close up of paddles
*Hair how-to Barette Roll - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $4 *Hair how-to Barette Perfect Bob - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $3
*E-Pony how to Barrette - Never used only opened- $4 backside
*French Twister Hair how to - probably tried 1x like new $4
*Hair Braider how to NO instructions - BN $2
*Herbal Essences Bio- essence Dry Shampoo - usage line estimated in picture- $3
*TGI Bed Head After Party -70-80% left $5
*DS Living Proof Dry Volume Blast BN -$4
*DS OUAI Treatment Mask BN $5
*Sally Hansen Color Therapy in Reflection Pool - used one time $3
*LE Wet n Wild Holiday 2016 Mega Last in R-U-FREE-2-DANCE - used 1x $5
*ORLY Color Blast in Fly like Flit (orange)- used 1x $2
*ORLY Color Blast in Follow Your Path (blue) - BN never used $3
12/3 New Stuff Added!
Cosmetics & Tools
*Colourpop Element of Surprise Eyeshadow Palette - used a few shades 2x- $14
*Colourpop Single Pan Eyeshadow in On the Fence- BN $4 (I buy to many doubles ahh!)
*ELF Prism Eyeshadow Palette in Naked- BNIB $6
*ELF Highlighting Holographic Duo in Siren’s Call- Swatched yellow side 2x- $6
*ELF Shining Facial Whip - BNIB $3
*ELF Lip Laquer in Natural- BNIB $3
*LaSplash Liquid Velvet Matte Lip in Red Velvet- BNIB box damaged- $7
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Limelight- swatched 3x $4
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Sorbet- has been repress, but now you have to really work at it to get color- FWP if interested
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Firefly- swatched 3x $4
*Smashbox Brush #9 - used, make an offer not sure what to price at
*Tarte DSTarteist Mascara BNIB $12
*Tarte DS Amazonian Clay Blush in Seduce- BNIB $14
11/26 New Stuff Added!
Kat Von D
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Lovecraft- swatched 1x $12
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Hellbent- BNIB $14
Tattoo junkie
*Happy Hour with Sparkle Lip Effect BN- $7
Kat Von D
*Shade and Light Eye Palette in Rust- BNIB $14
[Naked Cosmetics* Loose Pigment]( in: Mother Nature- Swatched 1x- $6
*Revlon Color Exactify Wheel Liquid Liner in black- tried one time on one eye- $5
wet n wild
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Liquid Shadows all BN $7 each
*Moonlight Majesty (purple)
*Mysterious Nights (dark, kinda greyish? Best to look up swatches)
*Lara’s Necklace (green)
Winky Lux
*Winky Lux Kitten Palette - Used only a few colors once, purchased swatched only on MUE open - $14
*Coty Air Spun Powder in Naturally Neutral- BN only opened for pictures- $5 *It Cosmetics Color Correcting Full Coverage & Anti Aging Hydrating Serum DS- BN $5
*Makeup Revolution strobing/highlighting duo chrome palette (I used as creme eyeshadows)- each shade at least swatched some lightly used- $10
*LA Girl Face Setting Powder- Used 1-2x $4
*L'oreal Lumi Cushion Foundation in W2 OPEN used lightly, no cushion puff included- $4
*Wet n Wild Paint Palette Limited Edition in Metallics- x2 BN $4 each
*Mac Brush #159 BN $18
Demeter’s Fragrance Library Watermelon Lollipop 15ml only sampled a bit $4
Kat Von D
*Sinner DS BNIB- $8
*Broadway Nails Press on Glow in the Dark Manicure- BN $3
*Dr. Brandt Pore Dermabrasion DS- $6
*Scary Pretty Face Mask BN $1 each
*Pumpkin Spice x2 *Sugar Cookie
Stratia Soft Touch AHA Decants| 5ml-$2
*Mini Liquid Lips Matte2: all BN $3.50 each
*More Better
*Times Square
*Love Bug
*Creeper x2
*Bad Habit
*Mini Liquid Satin Lips: all BN $3.50 each
*Mess Around
*Magic Wand
* Ultra Matte Lips FS
*Beeper- Swatched 1x $4
LE GWP Only Take Five x2- BN $6
*ILUVSARAHII X Colourpop “Mamacita”- BN $5
*Ultra Glossy Lips
All BN, LE, SOLD OUT - all BN $5 each
*Wishes x2
*Bash (old formula)
*RSVP x2
*Bash (new formula & box- color differr) - BN $5
*MISC Colourpop Lips
*Lippie Stix- LE GWP Only- Fab Five- BN $6
*Lippie Pencil in: Oversized - Swatched 1x $3
*Ultra Satin in Calypso- BNIB $6
Coloured Raine
*Matte Lip Paint in: Sugar x4 - BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Soul x2- BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Marshmallow x2- BN $6 each
Dose of Colors
*DOC in: Cotton Candy x2-BN $9
*DOC in: Attitude- BN $9
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Stain in:Pink Petal- swatched 1x - $2
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Super Gloss in: Sunrise - BN $3
*Elf Mini DS Lips- all BN $1 each
Pink *(how original)
*Funky Fuchsia
Gerard Cosmetics
*Berry Smoothie Lipstick x3- BN $7 each
*All Dolled Up Lipstick x3-BN $7 each
*Fire Engine Lipstick -BN $7
*Kimchi Doll Lipstick -BN $7
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Pink Tiara- BN $12
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Coral Craze- BN $12
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Butter Cream- BN $12
Hot Makeup
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Bubbly- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Casino Night- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunset- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Runway- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Like a Queen- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunkissed- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Blown Away- BN $9
*Lipstick: Crystal’s Kiss- BN $9
*Lipstick: Take it Off- BN $9
*Lipstick : Voyage- BN $9
KIKO Cosmetics
*More Colour Lip Liner in: Billowing Peach x4- BN $4 each
*Studio Shine Lip in Jasmine- BN $7
*Studio Shine Lip in Dutchess- BN $7
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Saintly- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Bitter Berry- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Madly Mandarin- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Lip in: Samantha x3- BN $6 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: So Seductive x3- BN $7 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Get Lucky- BN $7
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Olympus- BN $7
*Burts Bee’s Mint Cocoa Chapstick BN $2
*Buxom DS in: Rose Juelp- BN $4
*Buxom FS Liquid Lip in: Moonlighter- BN $6
*Carmex Moisture Plus (tint)- swatched 1x $1
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte Lip in: Catoure - BN $3
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte in: Crimson Cat- BN $3
*Essence Matte Lip - swatched x2 $1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Jack Skellington- Pumpkin Spice Latte- BNIB- $5 x4
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Sally Peppermint Candy Corn- BNIB- $5 x2 *LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Ursula Wicked Grape- BNIB- $5 x2
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Cruella De Vill Cruel Red Velvet- BNIB- $5 x1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Maleficent Blackberry Magic- BNIB- $5 X1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Halloween Minnie Sour Trick or Treat Candy- BNIB- $5
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Vampire Mickey Spooky Ooky Smores- BNIB- $5 x3
Maybeline Baby Lips in: Purple Container and Pink Container- both swatched 1-2 times $1 each *(can’t find names on them)
*Nivea Shimmer Lip Care- opened but BN $2
*Palladio Herbal Lipstick in: Smokey Rose x4- one opened but all BN $3 each
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss in 113- used lightly x2 $2
*The Lip Bar in: Cosmo- BN $6
*Ulta DS Color Rush Lip Gloss in: Olivia - BN $2
*Ulta Matte Lip Crayon in: Soiree - BN $2
Walgreens x DC comics Collab in “Combat” and “Bravery” -$1 each *(see notes for other info pertaining to these
Nonie Colour Prevails
Liquid Lip with Clear Matte Topper- all BN $4 each *COLORS
*Retro Pink
*Darkest Taupe
*Suede Matte Lip Liners- all BN $2 each
*Prune x2
*Stockholm x5
*Cannes x7
*Orange County
*Cherry Skies
*Tea & Cookies
*Run the World
*Subversive Socialite
*Club Hopper
*Foiled Again x7
*Life’s a Beach
*London x3
*Los Angeles x3
*Whipped Caviar x4
*Copenhagen x4
*Milan x2
*Respect the Pink x3
*Pink Lust x2
*Sao Paulo x5
*Kitten Heels x3
*Vintage Red x4
*Aria x4
*Alabama x2
*Nyx Lip Liner in: Dolly Pink- BN $2
Nyx Matte Lipstick- all BN $3 each (a couple are opened but still BN)
*Daydream x3
*Shy x2
*Bloody Mary x2
*Pure Red
*Indie Flick x4
*Pale Pink x2
*Couture x4
Nyx Macaron Matte Lip - all BN $3 each
*Blue Velvet
Nyx Butter Lipstick - all BN $3 each
*Big Cherry
*Sugar Wafer
*Nyx Lingerie in: Satin Ribbon x 5 - all BN $3 each
*Nyx Mega Shine Lipgloss in: Perfect Red x2- all BN $3 each
*Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Cherry Cheesecake
*Sugar Cookie
*Tiramisu x3
*Peaches and Cream x2
*Strawberry Parfait x2
*Red Velvet
*Creme Brulee x4
*Peach Cobbler x2
Nyx Intense Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Spice Cake x2
*Sorbet x2
*Funnel Delight x3
*Orangesicle x2
OCC Cosmetics
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tarin: Digitalis- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Anime- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Femme x2- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Queen- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
Tattoo Junkie
Matte Lip Paint with Effect Toppers- all swatched 1x $4 each
*Minx with Velvety Lip Effect
*Walgreens x DC comics Collab in: Riot with Sparkle Effect Lip topper
*Outcast with Chroma Effect Lip Topper
Too Faced
*Lip Insurance Glossy- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Pitch Perfect- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Maneater- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Bachelorette BN $9
*Melted Lip in: Melted Melon-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Marshmallow- BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Fuchsia-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Frozen Hot Chocolate- BN $8
Wet n Wild
Fall 2017 LE Catsuit Matte Lip - all BN $7 each *COLORS
*Sleepy Hollow x4
*Boo Blu x4
*Widow’s Peak
*Purple Panic
*Terrifying Tangerine
*Emerald City
*LE Midnight Mermaid Metallic Matte Catsuit -all BN $7 each
*Coral Crown
*Harbor a Crush
*Sea Seduction
*Lara’s Necklace
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in : Rebel Rose- swatched x2 $3
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Give Me Mocha- BN $5
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Coral Corruption used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in: Turn’t Orange- used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in” Shelly Shocked- used 1x-$2
*Wet n Wild Gel Lip Liner in: Never Petal Down- used 1x- $1 (or FWP)
*Cushion Matte Lip in: Melon Like it is - BN $5
*Lipstick in: Think Pink- BN $1
*Gel Lip Liner in: Red The Scene- BN $3
*World Famous Neutrals Palette (open) (closed) - might have swatched each color 1x if that (does not come with eyeshadow look cards)- $16
BH Cosmetics
*28 Color Neutral Eyes Palette(closed) (open) (details/usage notes) - used 5-6x - $6
Coastal Scents
*Hot Pots at Various uses - $1 each
*Fancy Pansy
*Venetian Red
*Volcanic Blast
*Pale Daffodil
*Light Yellow
*Blue Moon
*Gypsy Blue
*Elven Silver
*Snow Pea
*Mellow Yellow
*Sea Lily
*I Think I Love You pressed shadow palette- BNIB $18
Super Shock Shadows - BNIB
*Reversible x2- $4 * Supermodel x3- Discontinued-$6
*The One- Discontinued- $6 right side up
*One by One- SOLD OUT- $6 (pictured twice, or I may have two- see below)
*Shop- BNIB- $5
*Posey BN - $5
*Cherries Jubilee
*Pressed in: Say I Do- Discontinued- BNIB-$5
*Pressed in:Snake Eyes- swatched 1x $3
*Pressed in: Up & Up - swatched x2 $3
*Pressed in: Let’s Do It- used wet x2 for eyeliner- $3
I buy too many doubles...grr, here is what I have with those:
*Pressed in Running Late BNIB $4
*Pressed in On the Fence BN $4 (have box)
*Pressed in Blowfish BNIB $4
Kat Von D
*High Voltage Eye Primer x2- BN $10 each
*Lighting Liner in: Poe- BN $8 note:(had some color on tip when purchased)
*Shade and Light Eye in Smoke - BNIB $14
KIKO Cosmetics
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 05 Gold and Teal- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 04 Sky Blue and Indigo- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 03 Lilac and Plum- BN $5
*Sephora + Pantone Universe Color of the Year Palette (open) (closed) - RIS BNIB- did not use so BNIB- $30
*Vintage Single Shadow - swatched 1x $8
Too Faced
*Violet Femme Single Shadow - BN $10
*Cat Eyes Palette used $7
Wet n Wild * Unicorn Pigment Collection - BN $15 as a 3 set x2 or $5 each for singles
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: Demi Black x2 BN- $3 each
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: 616 Black x3 BN- $3 each
*Spooky Lashes by Ardell in: Goddess (top and bottom) x2- BN $4 each
*Kiss Lashes Flutterful & Fierce x5 BN $3 each
Want to try Colourpop’s Crystal Spray Primers, but don’t want to buy the bottle? DECANTS AVAILABLE! Great for foiling Eyeshadows!
5ml eye dropper- $1.50 10ml eye dropper- $2.50 10ml Spray Bottle- $3.50 (spray bottles are slightly pricey)
Available in the following:
*[Rose Quartz)[
Face Continued
*YSL Blur Primer DS- BNIB $15
Wet n Wild
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Higlighter - all BN $9 each
Sonia Kashuk Limited Edition SOLD OUT Brush Sets
*4 piece Pop Art Set x4- BNIB $12.50 each
*Saydee’s Work of Art Matching Brush Cup x2 $6 each
*Kate Spade Makeup Bag flaw opened - Used, Loved, Zipper is cracking other than that still in great shape- I’m thinking $25 but open to offers
*Crown Chisel Brush BN - $5
*Mac Pro Palette Insert - Never used for actual purpose, only to hold earrings in a draw- $0.75
*Soho The Little Mermaid Makeup Bag opened Used 1-2x Tops Brand New Looking- $6
*Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray By Home Basics -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $8
*Large Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $10
Not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but I have an old vintage perfume bottle for sale, opened closed
*Marc Anthony Hydrating Coconut and Shea Butter Travel Size- BN $6
*Briogeo Repair Don’t Despair Deep Conditioning Mask DS- BN $4
AB Makeup
Brand Name Shade Usage Price
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Mild Mandarin BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Pink Rabbit BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Real Peach BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Romantic Peach BN $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Honey Pink BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Momo BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pink Skirt BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pure Pink BN $7
Apieu LE Apieu x Rilakkuma Shimmer Eyeshadow GL 101 sealed- 2 Available $5 each
Beauty People Fast 10's Gel Liner Auto Pencil Diamond Brown swatched 2x $6
Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack Pure Pink BN $6
Brow Lash EX LE Minnie Brow Powder and Brow Liner Duo 24hr Waterproof Light Brown only swatched powder side 1x $12
Clio Kill Black Waterproof Eyeliner 01 Black see notes on photo $4
Clio Chic Matte Eyeliner Black swatched 2x $6
Dolly Wink Color Eyeliner Sugar Purple used 1x $7
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Little Bear Star used 2x $3
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Shooting Star sealed $4
Etude House Cookie Blusher "Strawberry Choux" used 2-3x No Puff $4
Etude House Dear Darling Lips Wonder Fun Park BL 601 used lightly 2x $3
Etude House Eyebrow Brush see photo notes $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 805 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 806 sealed-2 available $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest PP 505 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest GR 708 opened light usage $3
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 003 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 005 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 010 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BE 104 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes OR 205 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 303 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 304 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BR 405 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BK 802 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Jewel BE 103 sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 428 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 429 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BL 606 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection GR 709 Opened used 1-2x $3
Etude House LE Ice Cream Pink Makeup Pouch Sealed $5
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 01 White Tear Sealed $4
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 04 Pink Tear swatched 2x $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 05 (brown sparkle not sure on name) sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 06 Olive Peridot sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 07 Carat Diamond used 1x $3
Holika Holika [Jewel Under Eye Maker] Pink used liner end 3x swatched shadow end 1x $4
Holika Holika Magic Pole Liner 2x 01 Black Eyeliner swatched 1x $8
Holika Holika Shimmer Eye Shadow SPP 3 sealed $4
It's Skin Babyface Petit Gel Eyeliner 05 (dark blue-ish teal) used 1x $3
It's Skin Babyface Petit Blusher 04 used 3x no Puff $3
Koji Eye Talk Excellent Double Eyelid Maker Moisturizing BN $10
Koji Spring Heart False Lashes with glue BN $4
Ladykin Shadow Stick Yellow Green swatched 2x $4
Lioele Duo Eyeshadow No.1 Golden Godiva BN $8
Lioele Mix Concealer Palette closed/open Only Comes In This Shade Combo see closed photo caption notes $9
Missha Missha x Line Friends 4D Mascara front back Black Sealed $7
Missha Shimmer Eyeshadow GBE 03 Sealed $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow 5BL 01 see photo notes $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow SGR 01 see photo notes $3
Peripera Touch Pang Lip Brunch With Pink BNIB 2 available $8
Secret Key Chubby Jelly Lips Cherry Red BN $6
Secret Key Twinkle Waterproof Gel Liner Purple Sparkle )not sure of name BN $6
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips Joyful Red- Little Mermaid BN $10
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips can't read name- Snow White BN $10
The Saem Face Lightener CC SPF30 PA++ Green used 1x 90% left $5
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 06 see photo notes $2
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 01 swatched 1x $3
AB Nails US Shipping ONLY
Brand Product Shade Condition Price
Ladykin Gumho Nail Polish Cashmere Purple used 1x $2
The Saem Eco Soul UV Gel Nail see photo BN $4
ISO If the price is right I may buy ONLY the things listed, open to swaps for these items as well
*Demeter Fragrance Library Perfume: Sex on the Beach
*Limited Edition Japanese skincare bottles (empty prefered) with Disney Characters
*Anything Disney try me, excluding the MAC Disney Items
So that about wraps it up! I appreciate it if you made it all the way to the end, it’s a lot of stuff! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or if you want more usage detail on anything, or even more pictures!
Have a great day everyone!
More to come Stay Tuned :)
Also check out my ABX Post for loads of decants and everything AB!
submitted by ktlady0225 to makeupexchange [link] [comments]


Hello Everyone!
So the Nitty Gritty Details first as always:
Sale Set Up
Going to go by timestamps for dibs, and will use the typical NIL system that most sales use. Please don’t ghost me, I really do not mind if you change your mind. And if you cannot commit to an item within 2 hours I will move to the next person- unless we have arrangements made via PM holding time wise.Don’t like my prices? Make me an offer, I am pretty flexible to a point, no lowballs, but a lot of the prices are a decent percent off retail already, so I may be firmer on some things price wise. Also it’s a lot of stuff to keep track of, so I apologize if it hasn’t been removed from the list right away if it’s been sold!
Shipping Starts at $3 and goes up by weight- depending how heavy or how much you buy we can probably come up with a bundle price for you. And I will try and get the shipping as cheap as possible- even if I have to send stuff separately or get creative lol.
Going to be shipping within the USA, but I have done a few Canada sales, and one to the Netherlands- so if you are International and really don’t mind the $$$ shipping let me know we can work something out. You would be responsible for any and all customs issues that arrive if they were to occur- so you are agreeing to that as well when you purchase internationally from me. Can also insure the package on request- you cover that too.
I take payments through Paypal only please. I prefer Friends and Family Payments, but if you would like Goods and Services Protection, then you would just cover the fees. If it is a lot of stuff you are buying and would like G&S I prefer to send you an invoice, you still cover fees.
I would more than likely mess it up completely so that will be 100% up to the purchaser.
Mods: Verification is tagged in sets of items- like I will tag the first thing out of a list of what the photo contains. Let me know if there are any no no’s in my post and I will fix it promptly.
ON TO THE GOODIES small wishlist on bottom
bh Cosmetics
*Pride and Prejudice and Zombies LE Palette RIS other person used a few times and so did I $10 closed
Butter London
*Crown Jewels Gift Set- $26 value -BN $18
*Pressed Single in Double Date BN $4
Etude House
*Deluxe Any Cushion Set with Refill and Primer in the shade Petal $18
*Any Cushion Refill in Vanilla BN $10
*Any Cushion Cushion Foundation in (?) Petal (have me double check shade) BN $14
Japonesque Brushes All BN
*Angled Brow/Eye - $8
*Cut Crease- $10
*Blending Eye- $10
*Foundation Angled- $12
*Wonder Pencil in Deep BN x2 $2 each
Real Techniques
*Limited Edition Travel Size Mini Contour Brush with Full Size Head BN $8
*Limited Edition Travel Size Mini Expert Pro Brush with Full Size Head BN x2 $8 each
*Limited Edition Blurred Finish Gift Set BN $22
*Sculpting Sponge BN x2 (one package is ripped) $8 each
*Limited Edition Color Correcting Made Easy Brush & Sponge Gift Set BN $22
Too Faced
*DS Chocolate Soleil in medium/deep open Possibly swatched, more than likely not. $4
TZ Cosmetics
*Aurora Borealis Highlighting Palette may have been swatched $15 closed
Wet n Wild
*Limited Edition Geometric Highlighter BN $4
Tools *NYX Brush Cleanser BN x3 $8 each *Ecotools Brush Cleanser BN x2 $6 each
Hollywood Beauty Sweater Saver BN $6 *Brush Cleansing Mat BN $5 *Drugstore Makeup**
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Blues (don’t remember name) Used 2-3x $2
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Neons BN Sealed $3
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Nudes/Bronze BN Sealed $3
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Purples BN Sealed $3
*CoverGirl True Naked Jewels Eyeshadow Palette used 1-2x $4 Brush not included
*Covergirl Total Eye Look Palette in Blues (forgot name) BN Sealed $3 *Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Gilded Envy BN $3 *Nonie Colour Prevails Eye Shimmer Powder in Purple and in Silver both BN Discontinued $6 each *Coastal Scents Revealed Smokey Eye Sampler $1 or FWP BN *ELF Baked Trio Eyeshadow in Purples (man these names are hard to remember) BN Not Sealed $3
*Elf Eye Smudge Brush FWP or $1 *Revlon Photoready Eye Art in Peach Colors BN Sealed $3
*Walgreens x DC comic collab Catwoman Eyeshadow Palette closed BN $5
*JCat Baked Eyeshadow in Creme Brulee BN $5
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss Lipstick in 110 (I believe it is a matte lip) BN $3
12/24 NEW
ABH Glow Kit open BN $32 *has small slice on back of cardboard sleeve- doesn't affect palette
*ABH Lip Gloss in Punchy Red BN - $12
*ABH Lip Gloss in Socialite BN -$12
*ABH Lip Gloss in Petal BN -$12
*ABH Lip Gloss in Barbie Pink BN -$12
*ABH Liquid Lipstick in Soft Lilac BN- $12
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in 10k BN x2 -$8 each
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Topaz BN -$8
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Gem BN -$8
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Day Rate BN -$8
*ABH Metallic Eyeliner in Liquid Silver BN - $14
BITE Beauty *Lush Fruit Lip Gloss in Spice BN - $12
*Lush Fruit Lip Gloss in Peach BN -$12
*Lip Pencil in 038 BN - $10
City Color
*Eyeshadow Single in All Eyes on Me BN - $4
*Tsum TsumAnna & Elsa HYALURONIC ACID Sheet Mask- x5 $2.50 each
*Tsum Tsum Winnie the Pooh & Piglet Honey Sheet Mask- x5 $2.50 each
*Modern Twist Kajal Liner in Grey TideBN - $10
*Modern Twist Kajal Liner in NightcastBN - $10
Marc Jacobs
*Enamored Nail Polish in 116 shocking BN - $14
*NYX Round Lipstick in Jupiter BN x2- $3 each
*NYX Round Lipstick in Summer Love BN x3- $3 each
Real Techniques
*Bold Metals Blush Brush 300 BN x2- $10 each
*DS Always On Gel Eyeliner in Fishnet BN - $8
*Lady Gaga Black Liquid FAME perfume - BN -$12
*DS Juicy Couture Roller Ball Charm usage shown - $3
*Bath and Body Works Breathe Perfume usage shown- Discontinued Scent/ Hard to find - $20
*Victoria’s Secret Very Sexy perfume BN- 2007 version Hard to Find Bottle Style- $25
*Britney Spears Curious perfume- usage line shown by arrow in picture - $8
*Hilary Duff With Love perfume- usage shown- $15
*Disney A Princess Wish perfume- sprayed 1-4 times Discontinued $12
*GAP Love Shack body spray- Discontinued- usage shown- $7
*Bath and Body Works Signature Vanillas: Coconut body spray- Discontinued Scent- usage shown- $12
*Got2B Kinkier Curl Mousse should be 70-80% full I will double check if interested (price will be adjusted if less) $5
*Tresemme Keratin Smooth Serum usage shown- $3
*Got2B Oil-licious Calm and Shine Styling Oil Discontinued- usage shown $5
*Got2B Smooth Operator Smoothing Luxury Mousse usage line $4
*Travel Size Big Sexy Hair Spritz and Stay BN - $3
Travel Size Pantene Sheer Volume Foam BN $3 *ETC.**
*Juice Beauty Luminous Lip Crayon in: 12 Malibu -BN $6
*Ipsy December Bag - BN $6
*Green Italy Towel BN -$2 each
*Lottie London Nail Polish in Riot! BN -$5
*Nail Inc Floral Decals nail polish- used 2-4 times- $2
*Kiss Gradation Polishes Kit BN - $3
*DS First Aid Beauty Facial Cleanser BN -$6
*DS Avene A - Oxitive BN $8
*DS Korres Rose Facial Sleeping Mask - $7
BITE Beauty
*Bite mini Amuse Buche Lip in Fig and Meringue - $5 each
*Mini Liquid Lips Matte2: all BN $3.50 each
*More Better
*Times Square
*Love Bug
*Creeper x2
*Bad Habit
*Mini Liquid Satin Lips: all BN $3.50 each
*Mess Around
*Magic Wand
* Ultra Matte Lips FS
*Beeper- Swatched 1x $4
LE GWP Only Take Five x2- BN $6
*ILUVSARAHII X Colourpop “Mamacita”- BN $5
*Ultra Glossy Lips
All BN, LE, SOLD OUT - all BN $5 each
*Wishes x2
*Bash (old formula)
*RSVP x2
*Bash (new formula & box- color differr) - BN $5
*MISC Colourpop Lips
*Lippie Stix- LE GWP Only- Fab Five- BN $6
*Lippie Pencil in: Oversized - Swatched 1x $3
*Ultra Satin in Calypso- BNIB $6
Coloured Raine
*Matte Lip Paint in: Sugar x4 - BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Soul x2- BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Marshmallow x2- BN $6 each
Dose of Colors
*DOC in: Cotton Candy x2-BN $9
*DOC in: Attitude- BN $9
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Stain in:Pink Petal- swatched 1x - $2
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Super Gloss in: Sunrise - BN $3
*Elf Mini DS Lips- all BN $1 each
*ELF Lip Laquer in Natural- BNIB $3
Pink *(how original)
*Funky Fuchsia
Gerard Cosmetics
*Berry Smoothie Lipstick x3- BN $6 each
*All Dolled Up Lipstick x3-BN $7 each
*Fire Engine Lipstick -BN $6
*Kimchi Doll Lipstick -BN $7
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Pink Tiara- BN $8
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Coral Craze- BN $8
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Butter Cream- BN $8
Hot Makeup
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Bubbly- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Casino Night- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunset- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Runway- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Like a Queen- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunkissed- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Blown Away- BN $7
*Lipstick: Crystal’s Kiss- BN $7
*Lipstick: Take it Off- BN $9
*Lipstick : Voyage- BN $9
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Lovecraft- swatched 1x $12
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Hellbent- BNIB $14
KIKO Cosmetics
*More Colour Lip Liner in: Billowing Peach x4- BN $4 each
*Studio Shine Lip in Jasmine- BN $5
*Studio Shine Lip in Dutchess- BN $5
*LaSplash Liquid Velvet Matte Lip in Red Velvet- BNIB box damaged- $7
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Saintly- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Bitter Berry- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Madly Mandarin- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Lip in: Samantha x3- BN $5 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: So Seductive x3- BN $5 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Get Lucky- BN $5
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Olympus- BN $5
*Burts Bee’s Mint Cocoa Chapstick BN $2
*Buxom DS in: Rose Juelp- BN $4
*Buxom FS Liquid Lip in: Moonlighter- BN $6
*Carmex Moisture Plus (tint)- swatched 1x $1
*Clinique Black Honey DS Lip- BN $6
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte Lip in: Catoure - BN $3
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte in: Crimson Cat- BN $3
*Essence Matte Lip - swatched x2 $1
*DS Grande Lips Lip Plumper - x2 BN $5 each
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Jack Skellington- Pumpkin Spice Latte- BNIB- $5 x4
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Sally Peppermint Candy Corn- BNIB- $5 x2 *LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Ursula Wicked Grape- BNIB- $5 x2
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Cruella De Vill Cruel Red Velvet- BNIB- $5 x1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Maleficent Blackberry Magic- BNIB- $5 X1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Halloween Minnie Sour Trick or Treat Candy- BNIB- $5
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Vampire Mickey Spooky Ooky Smores- BNIB- $5 x3
Maybeline Baby Lips in: Purple Container and Pink Container- both swatched 1-2 times $1 each *(can’t find names on them)
*Nivea Shimmer Lip Care- opened but BN $2
*Palladio Herbal Lipstick in: Smokey Rose x4- one opened but all BN $3 each
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss in 113- used lightly x2 $2
*The Lip Bar in: Cosmo- BN $6
*Ulta DS Color Rush Lip Gloss in: Olivia - BN $2
*Ulta Matte Lip Crayon in: Soiree - BN $2
Walgreens x DC comics Collab in “Combat” and “Bravery” -$1 each *(see notes for other info pertaining to these
Nonie Colour Prevails
Liquid Lip with Clear Matte Topper- all BN $4 each *COLORS
*Retro Pink
*Darkest Taupe
*Suede Matte Lip Liners- all BN $2 each
*Prune x2
*Stockholm x5
*Cannes x7
*Orange County
*Cherry Skies
*Tea & Cookies
*Run the World
*Subversive Socialite
*Club Hopper
*Foiled Again x7
*Life’s a Beach
*London x3
*Los Angeles x3
*Whipped Caviar x4
*Copenhagen x4
*Milan x2
*Respect the Pink x3
*Pink Lust x2
*Sao Paulo x5
*Kitten Heels x3
*Vintage Red x4
*Aria x4
*Alabama x2
*Nyx Lip Liner in: Dolly Pink- BN $2
Nyx Matte Lipstick- all BN $3 each (a couple are opened but still BN)
*Daydream x3
*Shy x2
*Bloody Mary x2
*Pure Red
*Indie Flick x4
*Pale Pink x2
*Couture x4
Nyx Macaron Matte Lip - all BN $3 each
*Blue Velvet
Nyx Butter Lipstick - all BN $3 each
*Big Cherry
*Sugar Wafer
*Nyx Lingerie in: Satin Ribbon x 5 - all BN $3 each
*Nyx Mega Shine Lipgloss in: Perfect Red x2- all BN $3 each
*Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Cherry Cheesecake
*Sugar Cookie
*Tiramisu x3
*Peaches and Cream x2
*Strawberry Parfait x2
*Red Velvet
*Creme Brulee x4
*Peach Cobbler x2
Nyx Intense Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Spice Cake x2
*Sorbet x2
*Funnel Delight x3
*Orangesicle x2
OCC Cosmetics
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tarin: Digitalis- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Anime- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Femme x2- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Queen- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
Tattoo Junkie
*Happy Hour with Sparkle Lip Effect BN- $7
Matte Lip Paint with Effect Toppers- all swatched 1x $4 each
*Minx with Velvety Lip Effect
*Walgreens x DC comics Collab in: Riot with Sparkle Effect Lip topper
*Outcast with Chroma Effect Lip Topper
Too Faced
*Lip Insurance Glossy- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Pitch Perfect- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Maneater- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Bachelorette BN $9
*Melted Lip in: Melted Melon-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Marshmallow- BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Fuchsia-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Frozen Hot Chocolate- BN $8
Wet n Wild
Fall 2017 LE Catsuit Matte Lip - all BN $7 each *COLORS
*Sleepy Hollow x4
*Boo Blu x4
*Widow’s Peak
*Purple Panic
*Terrifying Tangerine
*LE Midnight Mermaid Metallic Matte Catsuit -all BN $7 each
*Coral Crown
*Harbor a Crush
*Sea Seduction
*Lara’s Necklace
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in : Rebel Rose- swatched x2 $3
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Give Me Mocha- BN $5
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Coral Corruption used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in: Turn’t Orange- used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in” Shelly Shocked- used 1x-$2
*Wet n Wild Gel Lip Liner in: Never Petal Down- used 1x- $1 (or FWP)
*Cushion Matte Lip in: Melon Like it is - BN $5
*Lipstick in: Think Pink- BN $1
*Gel Lip Liner in: Red The Scene- BN $3
*World Famous Neutrals Palette (open) (closed) - might have swatched each color 1x if that (does not come with eyeshadow look cards)- $16
BH Cosmetics
*28 Color Neutral Eyes Palette(closed) (open) (details/usage notes) - used 5-6x - $6
Coastal Scents
*Hot Pots at Various uses - $1 each
*Fancy Pansy
*Venetian Red
*Volcanic Blast
*Pale Daffodil
*Light Yellow
*Blue Moon
*Gypsy Blue
*Elven Silver
*Snow Pea
*Mellow Yellow
*Sea Lily
*Colourpop Element of Surprise Eyeshadow Palette - used a few shades 2x- $14
*I Think I Love You pressed shadow palette- BNIB $18
*Colourpop Yes Please Palette BNIB- just came with powder stains on lid -$14
Super Shock Shadows - BNIB
*Reversible x2- $5 * Supermodel x3- Discontinued-$6
*The One- Discontinued- $6 right side up
*One by One- SOLD OUT- $6 (pictured twice, or I may have two- see below)
*Shop- BNIB- $5
*Posey BN - $5
*Cherries Jubilee
*Pressed in:Snake Eyes- swatched 1x $3
*Pressed in: Let’s Do It- used wet x2 for eyeliner- $3
I buy too many doubles...grr, here is what I have with those:
*Pressed in Running Late BNIB $4
*Pressed in Blowfish BNIB $4
*ELF Prism Eyeshadow Palette in Naked- BNIB $6
Kat Von D
*Lighting Liner in: Poe- BN $8 note:(had some color on tip when purchased)
*Shade and Light Eye Palette in Rust- BNIB $14
KIKO Cosmetics
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 05 Gold and Teal- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 04 Sky Blue and Indigo- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 03 Lilac and Plum- BN $5
Looxi Beauty
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Sorbet- has been repress, but now you have to really work at it to get color- FWP if interested
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Firefly- swatched 3x $4
*Makeup Forever DS Shadow in 6RO1 (?) closed - BN $5
*FS UD 24/7 Glide on Velvet Eyeliner in Lush- BN $14
[Naked Cosmetics* Loose Pigment]( in: Mother Nature- Swatched 1x- $6
*Revlon Color Exactify Wheel Liquid Liner in black- tried one time on one eye- $5
*Sephora + Pantone Universe Color of the Year Palette (open) (closed) - RIS BNIB- did not use so BNIB- $30
*Vintage Single Shadow - swatched 1x $8
*Tarte DSTarteist Mascara BNIB $12
Too Faced
*Violet Femme Single Shadow - BN $10
*Cat Eyes Palette used $7
Wet n Wild * Unicorn Pigment Collection - BN $15 as a 3 set x2 or $5 each for singles
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Liquid Shadows all BN $7 each
*Moonlight Majesty (purple)
*Mysterious Nights (dark, kinda greyish? Best to look up swatches)
*Lara’s Necklace (green)
Winky Lux
*Winky Lux Kitten Palette - Used only a few colors once, purchased swatched only on MUE open - $14
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: Demi Black x2 BN- $3 each
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: 616 Black x3 BN- $3 each
*Spooky Lashes by Ardell in: Goddess (top and bottom) x2- BN $4 each
*Kiss Lashes Flutterful & Fierce x5 BN $3 each
Want to try Colourpop’s Crystal Spray Primers, but don’t want to buy the bottle? DECANTS AVAILABLE! Great for foiling Eyeshadows!
5ml eye dropper- $1.50 10ml eye dropper- $2.50 10ml Spray Bottle- $3.50 (spray bottles are slightly pricey)
Available in the following:
*[Rose Quartz)[
Face Continued
*YSL Blur Primer DS- BNIB $15
*Coty Air Spun Powder in Naturally Neutral- BN only opened for pictures- $5
*It Cosmetics Color Correcting Full Coverage & Anti Aging Hydrating Serum DS- BN $5
*Makeup Revolution strobing/highlighting duo chrome palette (I used as creme eyeshadows)- each shade at least swatched some lightly used- $10
*LA Girl Face Setting Powder- Used 1-2x $4
*L'oreal Lumi Cushion Foundation in W2 OPEN used lightly, no cushion puff included- $4 . *Tarte DS Amazonian Clay Blush in Seduce- BNIB $14
*ELF Highlighting Holographic Duo in Siren’s Call- Swatched yellow side 2x- $6
*ELF Shining Facial Whip - BNIB $3
*Wet n Wild Paint Palette Limited Edition in Metallics- x2 BN $4 each
*Algenist Luminizing Drops in Rose- BN $20
*DS Benefit Watts Up - BN $7
*GlamGlow Glow Starter in Nude Glow - $5
*Milk Blur Stick DS - BN $4
*It cosmetics CC+ DS in Medium- BN $5
Sonia Kashuk Limited Edition SOLD OUT Brush Sets
*4 piece Pop Art Set x4- BNIB $12.50 each
*Saydee’s Work of Art Matching Brush Cup x2 $6 each
*Smashbox Brush #9 - used, make an offer not sure what to price at
*Kate Spade Makeup Bag flaw opened - Used, Loved, Zipper is cracking other than that still in great shape- I’m thinking $25 but open to offers
*Crown Chisel Brush BN - $5
*Soho The Little Mermaid Makeup Bag opened Used 1-2x Tops Brand New Looking- $6
*Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray By Home Basics -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $8
*Large Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $10
*Mac Brush #159 BN $18
Not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but I have an old vintage perfume bottle for sale, opened closed
*Dr. Brandt Pore Dermabrasion DS- $6
*Scary Pretty Face Mask BN $1 each *Pumpkin Spice x2 *Sugar Cookie
*Stratia Soft Touch AHA Decants| 5ml-$2
Demeter’s Fragrance Library Watermelon Lollipop 15ml only sampled a bit $4
Kat Von D
*Sinner DS BNIB- $8
*Twirl Sample - usages shown: Fuller-$1.50 not so full- $1
*Chloe Sample - usage shown $0.50
*Betsey Johnson Too Too - usage shown $0.50
*JLO Love Glow - usage shown, no cap $4
*BN Sample Size - $2 each
*Black Tulip - Nest Fine Fragrances x2
*California Clementine
*Tory Burch Love Relentlessly
*Marc Anthony Hydrating Coconut and Shea Butter Travel Size- BN $6
*Briogeo Repair Don’t Despair Deep Conditioning Mask DS- BN $4
*Forever 21 Heart Shaped Curlers - BN never used- $2
*Forever 21 Circle Shaped Curlers - BN never Used- $2
*Hair how-to Barette Roll - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $4 *Hair how-to Barette Perfect Bob - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $3
*E-Pony how to Barrette - Never used only opened- $4 backside
*French Twister Hair how to - probably tried 1x like new $4
*Hair Braider how to NO instructions - BN $2
*Herbal Essences Bio- essence Dry Shampoo - usage line estimated in picture- $3
*TGI Bed Head After Party -70-80% left $5
*DS OUAI Treatment Mask BN $5
*Broadway Nails Press on Glow in the Dark Manicure- BN $3
*ORLY Color Blast in Fly like Flit (orange)- used 1x $2
*ORLY Color Blast in Follow Your Path (blue) - BN never used $3
*Sally Hansen Color Therapy in Reflection Pool - used one time $3
*LE Wet n Wild Holiday 2016 Mega Last in R-U-FREE-2-DANCE - used 1x $5
AB Makeup
Brand Name Shade Usage Price
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Mild Mandarin BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Pink Rabbit BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Real Peach BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Romantic Peach BN $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Honey Pink BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Momo BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pink Skirt BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pure Pink BN $7
Apieu LE Apieu x Rilakkuma Shimmer Eyeshadow GL 101 sealed- 2 Available $5 each
Beauty People Fast 10's Gel Liner Auto Pencil Diamond Brown swatched 2x $6
Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack Pure Pink BN $6
Brow Lash EX LE Minnie Brow Powder and Brow Liner Duo 24hr Waterproof Light Brown only swatched powder side 1x $12
Clio Kill Black Waterproof Eyeliner 01 Black see notes on photo $4
Clio Chic Matte Eyeliner Black swatched 2x $6
Dolly Wink Color Eyeliner Sugar Purple used 1x $7
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Little Bear Star used 2x $3
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Shooting Star sealed $4
Etude House Cookie Blusher "Strawberry Choux" used 2-3x No Puff $4
Etude House Dear Darling Lips Wonder Fun Park BL 601 used lightly 2x $3
Etude House Eyebrow Brush see photo notes $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 805 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 806 sealed-2 available $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest PP 505 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest GR 708 opened light usage $3
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 003 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 005 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 010 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BE 104 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes OR 205 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 303 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 304 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BR 405 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BK 802 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Jewel BE 103 sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 428 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 429 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BL 606 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection GR 709 Opened used 1-2x $3
Etude House LE Ice Cream Pink Makeup Pouch Sealed $5
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 01 White Tear Sealed $4
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 04 Pink Tear swatched 2x $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 05 (brown sparkle not sure on name) sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 06 Olive Peridot sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 07 Carat Diamond used 1x $3
Holika Holika [Jewel Under Eye Maker] Pink used liner end 3x swatched shadow end 1x $4
Holika Holika Magic Pole Liner 2x 01 Black Eyeliner swatched 1x $8
Holika Holika Shimmer Eye Shadow SPP 3 sealed $4
It's Skin Babyface Petit Gel Eyeliner 05 (dark blue-ish teal) used 1x $3
It's Skin Babyface Petit Blusher 04 used 3x no Puff $3
Koji Eye Talk Excellent Double Eyelid Maker Moisturizing BN $10
Koji Spring Heart False Lashes with glue BN $4
Ladykin Shadow Stick Yellow Green swatched 2x $4
Lioele Duo Eyeshadow No.1 Golden Godiva BN $8
Lioele Mix Concealer Palette closed/open Only Comes In This Shade Combo see closed photo caption notes $9
Missha Missha x Line Friends 4D Mascara front back Black Sealed $7
Missha Shimmer Eyeshadow GBE 03 Sealed $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow 5BL 01 see photo notes $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow SGR 01 see photo notes $3
Peripera Touch Pang Lip Brunch With Pink BNIB 2 available $8
Secret Key Chubby Jelly Lips Cherry Red BN $6
Secret Key Twinkle Waterproof Gel Liner Purple Sparkle )not sure of name BN $6
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips Joyful Red- Little Mermaid BN $10
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips can't read name- Snow White BN $10
The Saem Face Lightener CC SPF30 PA++ Green used 1x 90% left $5
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 06 see photo notes $2
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 01 swatched 1x $3
AB Nails US Shipping ONLY
Brand Product Shade Condition Price
Ladykin Gumho Nail Polish Cashmere Purple used 1x $2
The Saem Eco Soul UV Gel Nail see photo BN $4
ISO If the price is right I may buy ONLY the things listed, open to swaps for these items as well
*Demeter Fragrance Library Perfume: Sex on the Beach
*Limited Edition Japanese skincare bottles (empty prefered) with Disney Characters
*Anything Disney try me, excluding the MAC Disney Items
*Stila Magnificent Metals Duo Chrome Shades- Sunset Cove, Sea Siren, and Into the Blue
So that about wraps it up! I appreciate it if you made it all the way to the end, it’s a lot of stuff! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or if you want more usage detail on anything, or even more pictures!
Have a great day everyone!
More to come Stay Tuned :)
Also if you are looking for A LOT of skincare check out my SCX post and my ABX post for everything Asian Beauty :)
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