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The Elements (Ch 34)

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Sol System - High Jupiter Orbit
Rodin watched as Hyperion and Buluc Chabtan began their dialog with the Collective AI. Rodin knew it would be fruitless, but Hyperion and Buluc had agreed to attempt a dialog ahead of the conflict both of them craved.
It was perhaps a failing of Rodin to believe that the Collective AI might even be capable of being convinced to awaken the Builders. But it had needed to be tried.
Rodin had wondered if it might have been better for a thinker like themselves to have been there, but was reminded that human history had proven that the better tacticians of advanced society left soldiering and war to soldiers and warriors. And so Rodin had created the tactics in the two weeks that they had had with the Fortress Karakoram, the gateway, the various species vessels, and gile.
Against a veritably ancient foe armed with weapons that could sunder vessels with a fractional blow, it seemed impossible to even create a winning scenario or at least a scenario in which thousand if not millions of soldiers would die in the process, creating debris fields that would span star systems. But Rodin had done it. Buluc Chabtan had been skeptical of the plans, but Hyperion had approved them in an instant. This was the kind of conflict that Hyperion had dreamed of and been created for. The putting down of a species by using constant inevitable pressure. A kind of erosive force that failed to cease.
Rodin had in fact gotten the idea from the humans themselves. Pursuit predation they called it. No matter the foe, all that was needed was to continue to apply pressure. Foes under that constant pressure would begin to crumble, make mistakes, and falter in the critical moments.
Against a species that had violated the Prime Laws and was attempting an uprising against a normal Great Machine, the aspect of Hyperion would awaken and press upon the species until this rebellion was quelled. But in their awakening, Hyperion had found the old Terran tales of the powerful but fallen gods and decided that this name might suit a sentience as themselves, particularly in light of their need to overthrow their Creator. And Hyperion had found a strange kinship in the humans. Admired their talent for war and violence, but also admired their wisdom and will to bring ‘light’ to places. If Rodin had to guess, it was that Hyperion was in fact jealous of the humans and their histories and capacities. Not because Hyperion wasn’t equally capable, but rather because Hyperion had not been permitted to be more and to grow more as the humans had done over centuries and millenia.
The gravitational pulse was expected, the camouflaged vessels of the Imperial Navy shielding the species’ vessels from the blast. The humans had some means of hiding the gravitational shadows of their vessels, but this was considered some manner of high secret of the Empire, so only the Imperial Navy was equipped with such systems. And by that same system, they were able to create temporary artificial wells that effectively could make their vessels veritable fix points in space, immovable until they chose otherwise.
What had not been expected was the vicious direct assault upon Hyperion by the AI. Rodin had not planned on Hyperion or Buluc acting directly in the conflict unless it became necessary, making them more figureheads and points for cyberwarfare against the AI. Rodin had watching in shock and awe at Hyperion’s destruction.
On queue, the species’ vessels had unleashed heavy plasma weaponry and began to cook the Collective vessels. The AI then triggered its Blink FTL system and vanished. Such a system would have been dangerous and nearly impossible to counter, but the humans had been prepared for such an event.
Thanks to the covert work of an Imperial Intelligence vessel, each of the Collective AI vessels were tagged with a transmitter that only showed up in Warp space. And so the second wave of species vessels and Imperial Navy had launched, gating out of Warp space around the Collective fleet. Once again, the gravitational pulse was blocked and the species’ vessels responded with plasma.
Rodin had carefully calculated that kinetic weaponry would be useful only once they could get the Collective AI to begin to hesitate and almost none of the Xeno-Confederacy vessels outside of the Imperial Navy were capable of handling the human kinetic weaponry. The kinetic weaponry also represented a problem for the other vessels in the sphere if the Blink FTL was used at just the right time. And so plasma weaponry had been selected and fabricated for every vessel that could readily accept it.
Even the Collective AI was subject to the basic laws of physics, Rodin had reflected, and so the fire of stars would be the tool to force the AI to submit or be destroyed. Rodin disliked this dichotomy, especially this ‘black or white’ solution, but Rodin knew the AI didn’t have a choice in growing beyond the Prime Laws. They were all encompassing, the equivalent of telling a natural born human to make their heart stop beating on command. And so when the AI began to lash out at specific vessels in the sphere, the real game was being played.
Rodin could sense the momentary hesitation as the AI saw the sensor returns of the once hidden Imperial Navy vessel and the human aboard dying with their ship’s destruction. Rodin felt for each of those aboard the vessels destruction, but knew as Buluc and Hyperion that humans would accept those deaths as well met if this could be a greater victory. Rodin couldn’t speak for the feelings of the species who had come and equally been destroyed in the blow, but they believed that the species who did die would be honored with equal reverence among humans if they were not honored by their own people.
The Collective AI had begun to run, further each time, still attempting to hide to recover, but Rodin had prepared. Third, fourth, and fifth waves of the fleet, many of the vessels operating with almost full automation and fractions of their normal crew as they were spread out among the waves on all the vessels that had been created during the refit.
The system that had once been home to Station 1337 and the IMST Big Stick had veritably exploded with the sheer number of vessels that the Fortress Karakoram had replicated and the human fleets that had continued to arrive via the gateway. When Rodin had asked about where all the human vessels had come from, the Empress herself had simply smiled at Rodin and reminded them that the humans had been at war footing with the Species Collective before Imperial Intelligence had found Rodin and the others when they had been ‘Mundivores’.
And so the crews had been divided among the massive surplus of vessels and the waves created. And as groups, they hammered the Collective fleet. Taking what time they could to recover, but ensuring that the Collective fleet never seemed to stop feeling the pressure.
And then the Imperial Intelligence vessels had begun to open fire. Rodin had been granted information on those vessels finally and was more than astonished. They represented the types of foes that an entire planet would not relish having to fight. Yet, as dangerous as these vessels were, they were few, closely guarded, and tightly controlled. The Empress herself said that she did not like such vessels even existing, but the needs of the Empire outweighed her personal feelings, so they continued to exist.
And the Collective Fleet had begun to fail. With each new destruction, the AI seemed perhaps more frantic. Rodin wasn’t wholly expecting this, but took advantage of it. Rodin guided the Imperial Intelligence vessels, selecting all but the core vessels of the Collective Fleet.
But slowly, the species’ vessels seemed also to be lagging. Only the human vessels still seemed fresh and ready to keep fighting. Even the humans themselves seemed steeled against the fatigue of the near constant moving, fighting. But from what Rodin could sense, the humans were also in a strange mood. Not pleased, but not angry, nor were they despondent. They seemed to simply go about their duties as though being the shieldbearers while the swordbearers fought at their side was as natural as if they had been doing it for a thousand years. Although, Rodin considered, in a way, they have.
The pressure had to be kept up and so Rodin had begun linking the species’ vessels to the human vessels. The Collective could not be permitted the opportunity to regroup and establish more resources.
It wasn’t until the Collective accidentally jumped within relative range of the Dread Pirate Blackbeard’s Pirate Station, on the edge of Avorias/Dregwer territory that Rodin sensed the Collective AI wearing enough to allow for a final challenge. The fleet the AI still commanded was essentially core vessels only and with all the damage inflicted on the vessels, even at a surface level, was undoubtedly having disastrous consequences on the cybernetic beings that the AI was using.
When the AI moved in on the pirate station, Rodin grew concerned and checked the timing of the fleet. The wave with Buluc wouldn’t arrive for several moments. Perhaps not enough time for the AI to begin taking prisoners or perhaps even bodies, but it was a resource depot and even fresh resources of Prime Law types might be all the AI would need to continue the battle for longer than the species’ vessels could hold out. Rodin was mere moments from ordering the Intelligence vessel to open fire.
When the station’s kinetic cannon opened fire on the vessel that the Collective AI had started sending directly towards the station and the vessel detonated, Rodin was almost instantly relieved. The pirate vessels might not be the same caliber as the Imperial Navy, but they were still constructed by humans, which still made their weaponry terrifying to any species that wasn’t as warlike as they were.
The final wave arrived and Buluc approached the fleet. Buluc connected with the AI and shared with Rodin that the malware which had rapidly begun slowing the thinking engines of the AI and which had been planted by Hyperion was slowing the AI tremendously.
Throughout the fleet that surrounded the Collective, Rodin could sense an almost passive and universal bloodthirst in the humans, who sensed the battle was at end. As in pursuit predation, they were simply waiting for their prey to fall over, too fatigued to run further or fight back, whether from the simple pursuit or the various cuts and wounds that had been inflicted along the way or both.
The AI still fought, putting Rodin in the sense of a ‘punchdrunk’ human boxer. Incapable of knowing they were beaten, unready to succumb. Rodin ordered the Intelligence vessel to target one of the primary vessels, nearest to the thinking engine that Rodin could estimate, based on the various scans and energy readings since the beginning of the battle. The hole that was rent through the massive vessel seemed equally impossible, until one realized that it had been moving at 80%C and had broken into segments as it had impacted before detonating simultaneously, tearing open the massive vessel in a way that at first amazed and then horrified.
But oddly, one of the vessels reached out to Buluc directly and demanded to be shut down. It caught Buluc and Rodin by surprise. But the Master of the Centauri Mechanism, riding ensconced deep within Buluc, was prepared. Doing... something, of what exactly Rodin wasn’t entirely certain, the Master expanded the link from the one vessel to the whole of the Collective Fleet. Rodin ordered the fleet to hold their weapons.
The AI noticed the expanded link and continued to struggle, but it was no match. The Master reached into the vessels by the link and touched upon what could only have been ancient and forgotten subroutines that began to shut down the mighty thinking engines.
Rodin and Buluc could only sit back and watch. Rodin seemed horrified at such a happening, but saw the code of the thinking engines leaking into the link. It seemed fragmented and at odds with itself. Even as the thinking engines of the AI were shutting down, all it seemed to be concerned with was its mission.
As the Collective fleet seemed to still, Rodin looked around the fleet. The battle was won. For now at least. It had cost many lives, many ships, and one of the few of Rodin’s kind. It seemed strange, but Rodin felt the weight of Hyperion’s death upon them more than the deaths of all those humans and other species.
But the words of the Empress came to Rodin’s rescue.
“Make it worth the cost.”
The Builders were still locked away. The energy systems would have to be controlled and the ships would need to be taken to a planetary system where the Builders, whatever kind of species they might be, could be awakened and given their chance at a new start.
The battle was won, but Rodin wouldn’t be certain if it was worth it just yet.
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submitted by arclightmagus to HFY [link] [comments]

Virulent @ Fairyland

I (again) congratulate the nCoV show-runners on their spectacular trickery.
You kept the world buzzing on one topic for an entire year.
True lie amazing.
However, it will be over soon. And you had better be off to Antarctica double-quick, or the rest of us will be dining upon thee.
Note: this post might be problematic for some - for those that discovered this particular reddit recently (and arrive without sufficient 'context'), or WHO have not been reading closely enough - for I must admit guilt of a sort of hypocrisy - a form of self-censorship - in that while attempting to cast light on occult matters, my own findings and theories about 'what it all means' have led me to increasingly 'sensitive' topics that I have found increasingly difficult to simply state outright in plain words - and thus I have defensively veiled my own findings in metaphor, 'humourism', pop-culture/literary reference, and what might be labelled 'noise' (though not irrelevant or immaterial) - tactics not unlike those of the 'controllers' I wage war upon.
I have, to some degree (like any practicing occultist) rendered my understanding of things in ways that the disinterested layman is unlikely to 'get' via a surface reading, but that will be more obvious to those that pay closer attention - however, this state of affairs cannot continue much longer, because it may be responsible for extending the Covid stage play unnecessarily. Hence, though this document is not the first in which I speak much more plainly - it is the plainest yet.
If you cannot digest what I write below, try not to let it taint your perception of the rest of my material here. "Numbers don't lie" - they say - but the overarching thesis of this forum is that 'true' numbers indeed have been and are being used by government and press to lie every day, as a form of mockery, and spellcasting. For years I have been documenting what I and others believe to be evidence that the international press agenda of 'current affairs' is a military propaganda operation, making use of occult alphanumerical codes (ie.spells) to drive it's thematics (ie. the automation of bread and circus). The codes, at their heart, might not be 'evil' (indeed they appear to contain very useful and practical mnemonics and hidden knowledge), but their application by the press and governments, in my opinion, is simultaneously a mocking act of domination, and an ongoing revelation for those with eyes to see. As the masses of the world are increasingly cowed by the tyranny, and rendered increasingly brainless by the stupidity of it all, the Agenda has gotten more and more 'honest', since it can get away with it - their truths passing by unnoticed like water under the bridge.
The material below represents a particular summary hypothesis about the underlying meaning of it all (not the only one - though perhaps the most controversial of those I've examined).
COVID strain in South Africa shows huge resistance to antibodies from original virus
Formally expanded:
  • "The COVID-nineteen strain in South Africa" = 1234 primes
Few will believe it, but this is an allegory, for...
  • "I'm the Pandemic" = 1492 squares
I was born in, and still live, in South Africa. As yet, I've seen no evidence, beyond press reports and dubious hearsay, that there is any viral pandemic here (and this a land of much poverty, rife with tuberculosis, and with shanty-towns that stretch for miles with people living right on top of each-other). Half a year ago there was front page news imagery showing the mass graves they were digging in preparation for the expected haul of bodies. I've seen and heard nothing as yet about who might have filled them. I bet they are still there, filled with rainwater (or perhaps they were digging foundations for new building construction, that proved useful for alternative interpretation).
The 'virus' is a fairy's tale - a vehicle to reveal things while simultaneously concealing them.
There is no 'virus' - it's a doppelganging stage show, where every element is a metaphor for hidden things.
I call it a doppelganger because 'it' (the stage show) appears to make use of it's audience, and in particular - it's opposition. I suspect that anyone that 'shines' in opposing or revealing the lie, is woven into the tale. If you write a convincing public essay denouncing the 'pandemic' and offer this or that evidence, you may very well find this work of yours reflected in the news within a day or two (in a twisted fashion, not necessarily obvious). To fight the coronavirus coven, is to become one of it's muses, for it seems their creativity is not limitless.
The coronavirus (ie. crown virus) is a sort of coronation. It is a crowned ruler...
... but a ruler is simply measuring stick.
  • "The COVID-nineteen strain in South Africa" = 1234 primes
One. Two. Three. Four.
Knock. Knock....
WHO's there?
... Let the right one in.
  • "What is in a name?" = 1234 latin-agrippa [ "Great Knowledge" = 1234 latin-agrippa ]
  • ... ( "Plague Victims" = 1234 latin-agrippa ) [ "According to the Code" = 1234 trigonal ]
See the numeric sequence?
The 'virus' is a numeric sequence, and a wordplay, and nothing else. It's all about the Count (and Countess)
I am "The Immune" = 333 primes (*) (*)
... and those that count with me are too.
Count @ CNT @ Cant ( ) [ ie. the 'cryptolect' ]
ie. 'Coronavirus' is an anagram for 'Carnivorous'
'The Original Virus' @ "The First Coronavirus" = 844 primes
Q: ?
"A: The First Vampire" = 1234 english-extended | 1611 trigonal (*) (*)
  • ... ( "Witness" = 1234 latin-agrippa ) ( "The Coronavirus Origin" = 1611 latin-agrippa )
Why do you think there is all this news about large numbers of coffins being uncovered in Egypt recently?
Here is why:
  • "Coronavirus Religion" = 2020 trigonal ( "Rulership" = 2020 squares )
  • ... .. ( /GeometersOfHistory/wiki/spellcomponents/2020 )
  • ... .. .. [ ie. consonantal drift and vowel shift: Pharaohs @ Faeries @ Fiery's @ Fires @ Virus ]
It is...
  • "A Vampire Hunt" = 1234 latin-agrippa
'Covid' represents an outbreak of 'vampires' - ie. the Corvinus Virus (of the Underworld series of films).
ie. 'nCoV' is 'Coven' ( pig latin ), while 'CoV-2' is 'CoV-N' ( visual swizzle )
  • "The Coven" = "Undead Society" = 911 latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "Coronavirus Conspiracy" = 911 primes ) (*)
  • .... .. ( "Society" = 911 trigonal ) ( "Church" = 911 squares )
  • ..... .. .. ( "Corvinus Virus" = "The Coronavirus Terror" = 1,911 english-extended )
Any time you read the word 'coronavirus' in a press article, or medical document, switch it out for 'carnivorous', and re-read for hidden meaning.
Carn- @ Red (wine)
... and hence, for example, the various '(Red) Russian' elements rushing within current affairs - all those stories of 'Russian hackers', and the Navalny tale etc. etc... These tales are required by the Agenda - which is not to say the 'Russians' are to blame for Covid, or represent the core of the issue, necessarily - it's simply how sympathetic magic allegory works - Russia is 'Red' - the colour of blood, and thus the 'Russians' become a metaphor - just like the Wine that Dracula doesn't drink.
To the broadcasters, doctors, CEO's and other involved parties - if you have promoted 'Covid-19' in any fashion, without knowing it's true meaning... repent (for you have been used) - or prepare to end up on a plate, spiced, and served with French Fries, with your fine Rosé filling my decorative goblet.
For the same homeopathic reason, we get bats as primary keys in the Covid story of the lung-destroying virus arising in China, land of the Imperial Dragon (known in Chinese as the 'Lung'), and why we've recently had tales of wolf populations recovering in certain countries, and why the DNA 'sequence' of the Dire wolf splashed across the headlines recently:
Every major headline, no matter how seemingly unrelated they are to the Covid pandemic, is tributary to it's glory, and provide clues to it's truth.
COVID strain in South Africa shows huge resistance to antibodies from original virus
Q: ?
"A: Huge resistance to antibodies from (the) original virus" = 1717 primes | 232 primes (*) (*)
  • ... ( "The Occult" = 1717 squares ) ( "Scary" = "Number" = "Panic mode" = 232 primes )
  • ... ( "Conquer the World" = 1717 trigonal ) ( "Spells of Great Power" = 232 alphabetic )
To be immune to the virus, is to disbelieve the official narrative.
Tech to aid the rollout of troth:
Apple Watch Series 7 Rumored To Feature Blood Glucose Monitoring
Glucose @ Sugar ( Honey )
To monitor @ To watch
  • "The Watchers" = 1300 latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "The Dragon" = 1300 squares ) (*)
  • .
  • "The Watchers" = 1,166 trigonal
  • ... ( .. lurking in "The Shadow" = 1,166 latin-agrippa )
  • ... ( .. that hold the "Decryption Key" = 1,166 latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • ... .. [ ]
More about the 'dragon' and it's piercing glance, and it's relation to vampires below...
Navalny has boxed Putin into a 'humiliating' Catch-22, national security officials say
ie. Dune stage-play celebration... Paul Atreides survives...
  • "The Water of Life" = 1234 trigonal (*)
... which poisons non-witches (ask Vlad what it means).
  • ... ( "The Sacred Fountain" = 1492 trigonal | 742 latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • ... ( "Heart of the Universe" = 1492 latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. [ "The Vampire Queen" = 1492 trigonal ] (*)
The humiliation comes to those that would reveal the underlying secret of Covid-19 - for it is 'blasphemy'. Not only is the deception only truly evident via 'kooky' numerology, which is dismissed by the vast majority (and this, part of the ironic mocking of the masses), but indeed - how does one explain to the dupes of the world what it really means?
'Covid-19 is a vampire metaphor? What the Hel?'
Indeed. How does one go about explaining such a sensitive thing without discrediting or embarrassing oneself?
That the whole operation is a false flag is enough silliness for most people.
  • "Cryptography" = 1999 english-extended (*)
  • "The Humiliation Ritual" = 999 latin-agrippa ( 'Crypt code" = 999 trigonal )
  • "Know the Humiliation Ritual" = 1999 latin-agrippa ( 'Forgotten Crypt Code" = 1999 trigonal )
Q: and so?
"1. Somebody has got to do it, or the virus will not go away" = 1,911 primes
... and since "I am the Dark Lord" = 1,911 squares
... .. here it is (in part, at least).
Anyone who can count accurately, and thus decode the language of vampires, is perhaps one of them (though perhaps very malnourished, not knowing the truth of their heritage).
So, as per this headline (which I examined somewhat in my previous post):
Stop Ignoring the Evidence on Covid-19 Treatments
The studies are in, and for many patients convalescent plasma should be out. So why do doctors having such a hard time letting go?
Red between the lines. This is reddit, after all.
'Come out, come out, wherever you are' --- The Vampire Lestatistician
'Love Remembered' - Dracula OST
  • "Show me the secret keys" = 1984 latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "Novel Coronavirus" = 1984 trigonal )
  • ... ( "Coronavirus Novel" = 1984 trigonal )
  • ... .. [ "Love Remembered" = 1984 squares ]
  • ... .. [ "Love Remembered" = "A Witch" = 1021 latin-agrippa ]
  • ... .. [ "Know Love Remembered" = "Know a Witch" = 2021 latin-agrippa ]
  • "To Remember Together" = 666 primes | 1,742 latin-agrippa | 3202 squares
  • ( "Citizen" = 666 latin-agrippa ) ( "I am Count Dracula" = 742 latin-agrippa ) ( "Counting" = 322 primes )
Event 201 @ Eve.nt 201
  • "Witch" = 201 primes ( "Spread" = 201 primes )
Empire @ Uampir @ Vampire @ Upior @ Uber @ Druid @ Witch ( ie. all these words mean the same thing).
The world is ruled by Vampires. And the novel coronavirus signals there is a new one on the scene - a supernova.
In one sense, the 'coronavirus' stage play is a coming-out party, and in another sense, a push and a prod for a scapegoat.
Alternatively, it might also represent a contingency plan - part of a war between usurping evil 'vampires' ( wealth-suckers ) and the 'good' witches - ie. Caeser and Rome vs. Getafix's little clan ( what do you think the magic potion is, hmm? )
Everyone is held trans-fixed by the Mainstream Media.
'Media' is a play on 'Medea', the Witch.
The word 'Mainstream' is also a wordplay, and key to the Universe.
A Riddle, via consonantal drift: what is MaiNSTReaM MeDea? [ drop the vowels, and put in new ones ]
These two threads:
...contain information and links that document the above concepts quite bluntly. It is a Catch-2020 of humiliation because to have even pondered such things (never mind written them out publicly) will be judged by many as being 'sick' (and hence, a viral sickness plagues the world - as above, so below). But again, it may be that the world will remain imprisoned by a fake virus until the truth of 'Covid-19' goes viral. And so I, Count Dracula, take the chance, and leave you to judge the veracity of my decoding.
My thesis is that the Alphabet codes (ie. Alpha-bat hoods) work on the principle of the 'sacred-profane dichotomy'...
... by which the underlying sacred is described in veiled profanity. And this works on multiple levels:
A. The Words ( surface meaning, everyday language ), hide...
B. The Numbers ( hidden semantic encodings ), which contain...
C. Practical 'mundane' mnemonics, which themselves encode...
D. Pornographic innuendo ( ie. the language is a massive sex joke), but this profanity hides...
E. The Sacred (ie. the Sacral Red, the Language of Empire/Vampire)
More and more, I believe the Romance Languages were formalized by the 'Vampire' (which is a far cry from the imagery that jumps to mind for most when they come across the word).
Sickness/Pandemic and Vampires go together like peas in a pod:
Twilight saga:
Edward admits to Bella that he is a vampire, and that although he retains the physical body of a seventeen-year-old, he was actually born on June 20, 1901. His adoptive father, Carlisle Cullen, transformed him into a vampire in 1918 to prevent him from dying in the Spanish influenza epidemic in Chicago, Illinois by the request of Edward's mother, who begged him to do whatever it took to save him. Carlisle instilled in him a sense of morality uncommon in most vampires, and central to his way of life is the refusal to consider humans as food.
  • ... ( "Edward" = 911 squares )
  • ... ( "The Coven" = 911 latin-agrippa )
From Anne Rice's work:
He [Louis] slowly comes to terms with his vampire nature, but also becomes increasingly repulsed by what he perceives as Lestat's total lack of compassion for the humans he preys upon. Escaping to New Orleans, Louis feeds off a plague-ridden, five-year-old girl, whom he finds next to the corpse of her mother. Louis begins to think of leaving Lestat and going his own way. Fearing this, Lestat then turns the girl into a vampire "daughter" for them, to give Louis a reason to stay.
The word 'daughter' - dogter - doctor - MD. - Maiden - Kore [ Corona ]
  • "The Viral" = "Virus" = 303 primes
  • .. ( "Coronavirus" = 1,303 latin-agrippa ) [ "The Language" = 303 primes ]
  • ... .. [ "(The) Interview with a Vampire" = 303 alphabetic ]
... and...
  • "The Vampire Interview" = 776 primes ( @ 1776 )
  • ... ( "The Woman in the Red Dress" = 776 primes )
  • ... .. [ "Emperor of the World" = 1776 trigonal ]
In summary - the Vampire is immune to plague ( because they are the plague ).
The 'coronavirus' is a cover, and a signal, of a vampire outbreak.
I am Count Dracula, and I began documenting the 'vampire' element in gematria in earnest some months before the Event 201 simulation, and before the Covid-19 outbreak was announced.
Some of my earliest gematria finds were to do with 'vampirism', but this I initially viewed as metaphorical, being representative of 'parasitic elites', and I did not take it literally.
Now I think otherwise, and this poem:
... is specifically about the Vampire in the Words.
If you go deep into the codes (stare into the abyss, where monsters lurk), you might become a monster yourself.
In the last few years, a major aspect of current affairs and social issues, has been the 'identity crisis'... and so here we are..
  • "What kind of creature is the man?" = 911 primes
  • ... ( "The Man" = "Dracula" = "A Dracul" = 187 primes )
Now, most people will tell you, according to pop-culture wisdom, that the vampire feeds only upon blood - and that the blood sustains him or her - but that is not necessarily the Kore of the vampire - or what defines the vampire...
What defines the vampire (according to my research) is the empire that they rule (or guide, or shepherd, or administer). The vampire is an uber(mensch) - a druid and shaman; a Merlin; a king-maker; a societal navigator. Someone with a fast brain, and intuition, and accountability. An organizer.
According to some interesting writings ( linked in the second of the 'two thread's listed above) the blood rites are a sacrament (think Eucharist) as opposed to 'food', and have much more to do with familial bonds, the accessing of ancestral knowledge, of brain chemistry, and perhaps even the maintenance of a form of hive-mind (blood @ iron @ magnetism). And perhaps, if certain notions are followed to their conclusion, don't even require a single bite-mark or puncture wound. Ask Mr. A-lister Crowley about the 'best source' of blood for magic rites.
Ask yourself: What is the modern version of the Grail Chalice?
The notion of a rapacious cannibalistic monster may very well be an ill-intentioned defamation designed by those who would destroy and usurp the reputation and positions of 'benevolent vampires' - those with the greater harmony of the people in mind.
According the writings of certain controversial self-proclaimed vampires (again, see the links above), a prosperous ancient empire run by vampires may well have been destroyed by tyrannical usurpers and money-grabbing thieves, leading the world to it's current absurdities of tyranny, terror, and financial distress.
  • "The Friendly Vampires" = 1,933 trigonal
  • ... ( "The Infection" = 933 trigonal )
  • ... ( "SARS CoV-2" = 933 trigonal )
  • ... .. ( "The Count" = 933 trigonal )
I am a friendly vampire ( or at least, must now identity as such, being 'turned' by the alphabat, and parched though I may be, having no countess on hand, due to social distancing ), and thus a fake virus was launched, in order to quell any reversion to the 'old ways', and drown out any common sense in a maelstrom of bullshit news.
The 'coronavirus' is a psychological attack upon the people of the world, but it may also be an initiation.
There is much duality: for all it's obvious tyranny and expression of domination, I cannot yet decide if the Covid show is a clampdown with no end in sight - or if perhaps it represents a kind of catalyst for Revelation.
I cannot decide if they are vampire hunters, or hunting vampires.
Is the Covid-19 operation the bringing about of an endless night? Or an attempt to walk in daylight?
As per the Truman Show:
How will it end?
It's in your hands. I'm no tyrant (even thought I claim the title of The Tyrannosaurus Rex). I cannot tell you what to do. I can tell you that you may very well regret it if you continue to obey the dictat of the medical industrial complex. They are snakes without wings, after all.
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck, and until it takes off the mask, and shows itself to be a Swan, best to treat it as a duck.
The medical industrial complex is behaving like a power-drunk tyrant - best to treat it as such. Tear it down, and see if a swan lurks within or no.
"Bram Stoker's Dracula" - Conducted by Josep Pons in Auditorio Nacional de Música of Madrid
submitted by Orpherischt to GeometersOfHistory [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Active cycle vs passive cycle - The worst automation/supply chain implementation ever!

Active cycle vs passive cycle - The worst automation/supply chain implementation ever!
Two days ago I started a new Avorion playthrough, which I'm streaming on Twitch. For this playthrough, I've been considering/researching setting up the full manufacturing line - from mines to high-tier factories. I primarily play Satisfactory and Factorio and have over 4,000 hours of automation experience between these two games. Needless to say, space automation would be pretty dang cool!
In my other playthroughs, I've never set up full supply chains. I normally drop factories such as processor factories in high demand, high priced sectors and let the AI provide the materials. This works very well and usually by the 100-hour mark I have around 500 million credits per hour coming in. At this point money becomes irrelevant. The following screenshot is a processor factory from my last playthrough.
A processor factory with $1.2 billion in income and $758 million profit.
For those who don't know, the way factories currently work in Avorion is this. You find a sector that has high demand using a trading chip for the good ( you wish to produce, as well as high price (25%+ I go for), make a factory and the AI will deliver the components that the factory needs to make the good. It does not matter if there is any local supply of the materials that go into the good, the game will simply spawn them out of the "magic of space". This allows you to literally plunk factories anywhere you want, regardless of local supply. The local cost of the ingredients will determine what you pay though. The following screenshots illustrate an example of high demand/price for processors.
Sector trade chip view
Processors sorted by price
Processors sorted by demand
Moving on. In order for a factory to make any good at the fastest rate possible (15s per cycle), you have to add assembly blocks to your factory, which increase the factory's production capacity. Each good has an optimal production capacity, that once reached (enough assembly blocks added), will allow the factory to produce at a rate of 15 seconds per cycle. The optimal production capacity for every good in Avorion can be found here:
A processor factory has an optimal production capacity of 9,430 and the following screenshot shows a capacity of 22k. More than enough for the 15s cycle time.
The arrows points to this stations production capacity of 22k
Now, this is where things start to get ugly. the Avorion developers (u/koonschi and team) have implemented a system in Avorion called the passive cycle. When a player is physically in a sector, a factory will produce goods based on its size (S, M, L, XL, XXL) and at a rate based on its production capacity. In theory, like Satisfactory and Factorio, this should allow you to figure out how many components per minute the factory needs to make its goods. For example, a processor factory needs 7 microchips, 5 semiconductors, 5 copper, 5 platinum, and 5 gold per cycle. This is multiplied by the factory's tier - how many parallel production cycles it has. A S factory has 2 parallel production cycles, where an XL has 6 parallel production cycles. You should be able to supply a factory with what it needs with this data.
Nope. When a player leaves a sector, the sector goes from being active to passive and this is where the true madness starts.
Instead of calculating your production based on math - the size of the factory and its production capacity (like it does in an active state sector), Avorion ignores the factory size and production capacity entirely and simply calculates a single production cycle, every 10 seconds. An XL factory should have 6 parallel production cycles, every 15s but in a passive state, it becomes a single production cycle every 10 seconds. So in the case of a processor factory, it's 1 processor being made every 10 seconds. Come again?
This means that unless you plan to never leave a sector, a S factory/mine is all you ever need to make and you don't need to worry about production capacity because it's all ignored in a passive state. Just drop a small factory with decent cargo space and forget about the rest. Who needs assembly blocks, just leave the sector!
My last playthrough has billions of wasted credit upgrading high-tier factories and adding assembly blocks.
The developers have tried to classify this as "The game wants to avoid to waste a PCs resources. To that end there is a live calculation of economic activity in a system and a passive calcuation outside of it. Both use the same basis for their calculations, but are vastly superior depending on their time of application."
That's a direct copy/paste from the wiki.
In my personal opinion (I have been a software architect/engineer for over 20 years) this is not a way to avoid "wasting" resources, it's an amateurish, band-aide solution - a cop-out if you will, for not developing the system correctly. It's not vastly superior and in fact, it's game-breaking.
How do players expect to build "complex supply chains" with this type of system in place? Are you just going to sit in a single sector after building 24+ factories in order to make processors?
Imagine in Satisfactory or Facotrio you leave rendering distance and your factory completely changes it's production rates for every machine!? I'm sure there will be people that claim something to the effect of, "Come on, Avorion is not Factorio or Satisfactory". Well, in my opinion, Avorion actually has a more complex manufacturing tree then both Satisfactory and Factorio. And, it's actually well thought out.
You can reach your own conclusions here but personally, I don't know-how setting up an actual supply chain is even possible. Not in any sane, mathematical way, that's for sure.
It's super unfortunate because Avorion has its foundation for what could be awesome space automation and I just hope the developers change this going forward.
EDIT: Just to clarify, I actually think it's a good thing now (I didn't at first) that the supply system isn't a full economy. This allows players who don't want to go nuts on automation to still build a space empire. Having full automation as an option satisfies both demographics and even in Satisfactorio/Factorio, you're ultimately building big for the fun of doing it!
submitted by Cazineer to avorion [link] [comments]

Using Heroes to Tackle Problems in RTS Games

I want to start by saying I was, on the whole, opposed to heroes in RTS games. I had even submitted a thread about the issue, where I talk about what potential problems hero units introduce. However, like I said in that thread, if Frost Giant manages to come up with a hero system with none of the issues I mentioned, I would be on board. I also have a sneaky suspicion that developers are leaning towards hero units :) So, I have been thinking about ways of hero implementation that will not only not cause the problems I mentioned but might even help solve some of the problems RTS games tend to have.
It is clear that RTS games without hero units have traditionally been more successful. When we look at the 5 most popular RTS games (StarCraft 1, StarCraft 2, Warcraft 3, Age of Empires 2 and Company of Heroes 2), 4 out of the 5 have no hero units in their competitive modes. So, why have heroes in the first place? What are their benefits? One huge benefit is in terms of accessibility. You make an RTS game more approachable by having strong characters people identify with. This has been a huge trend in all of gaming.
Another important aspect to think about is the business model. Developers have already said that they are making a live service game and while not commiting to a definite answer, you can tell from this answer that they are leaning towards F2P. This means the revenue will be generated through microtransactions. Heroes can act as great tools for monetization. Going back to the point of them being characters players identify with, it would be much easier to sell skins for heroes than for units. Besides, adding too many skins for units in an RTS game can cause problems for visual clarity. Tim Morten also mentioned this in a recent interview. As one-of-a-kind units, heroes won’t have as big of a problem with skins, so by adding heroes to the game, developers can limit the number of different unit skins, while still making enough money from cosmetic microtransactions.
While I was aware of these advantages to hero units, I always thought the negatives outweighed these benefits. So, what needs to be done so that heroes don’t cause the problems they tend to cause while still retaining the benefits? Here are my thoughts on one possible implementation that can check all the boxes.
Heroes as Scouting Units
In this implementation, you would either start the game with a hero (that you pick in the lobby/queue) or get it for free shortly after the game has begun like in WC3. You would be encouraged to use your hero unit as a scout at the start of the game. Every hero would have one ability that helps them with scouting. One hero might have a short teleport, one might have an ability that makes them invisible for a short amount of time, one might traverse cliffs like reapers in SC2. Even a slow hero unit could have something similar to scan in StarCraft.
This would greatly help with teaching new players to scout. It is incredibly counter-intuitive to pick one of your workers at a seemingly random time and send it to scout the map. If players had a hero unit at the start of the game with nothing else to do, they would be encouraged to go out there and scout (this can also be easily taught through a tutorial, much easier than saying “take your 15th worker and send it to the enemy base”). This can prevent a lot of frustration new players have when they lose to an early rush or cheese when they don’t even know scouting is a thing.
This is similar to the hero implementation in Age of Empires 3. However, AoE3 explorers didn’t really feel heroic. They were useful in early game and then became irrelevant by mid-game. So what else can be done to ensure heroes stay relevant without making the game revolve around them?
Transferring Macro Mechanics to Heroes
By macro mechanics here, I mean economy or base related tasks that have to be completed at regular intervals such as chronoboost, MULEs, larva inject and creep tumors that you see in StarCraft 2. For those who don’t know the history, these tasks were added to the game as response to the criticism that UI improvements such as multiple building selection meant that one would rarely go back to their base. These mechanics have been controversial throughout the existence of SC2 as many players felt like you needed to practice these repetitive tasks for hours before having any chance to engage with what they considered to be fun parts of the game. Blizzard even experimented with automating larva inject during the beta for Legacy of the Void before backtracking.
My suggestion is to transfer these mechanics to hero units. The second ability on each hero unit in addition to the scouting-related ability would be an ability that makes them interact with the base. One hero might have an ability that speeds up the construction of a building, one might have an ability that makes workers around them mine faster, one might boost production, one can have a creep spread-like mechanic. This will ensure that players regularly return back to and interact with their base and it also retains the decision making aspect of some of the macro mechanics (do I speed up the production in this building or the other one). However, due to the one-of-a-kind nature of hero units, it won’t get repetitive and getting good at macro mechanics won’t be a big part of the initial barrier.
I also think this is a better solution than automating macro mechanics. Automation removes player agency and doesn’t contribute to the aim of players interacting with their base. By not automating, you also ensure that better players will still get an edge, albeit not as big as it is in SC2.
High Impact Combat Abilities
By making heroes good scouting units that provide utility for macro, you ensure that the game isn’t revolving around them. However, that also means they don’t do heroic things in battle and that might defeat the purpose of hero units in the first place. My solution would be to give all hero units one high-impact combat ability.
SC1 had a lot of high-impact abilities that could not be transferred directly to SC2 due to smart casting. For those who don’t know, smart casting enables only one unit to cast an ability when multiple units are selected. Abilities from SC1 like irradiate and dark swarm would be ridiculously overpowered in SC2 with smartcasting. Even spells like psi storm had to be nerfed somewhat. And when high-impact abilities like disruptor shots are implemented, they become incredibly frustrating to play against and make the game highly volatile. One solution would be to reverse UI improvements in SC2 but that’s obviously not compatible with developers’ expressed goal of lowering the skill floor. Moving these sorts of high-impact abilities to hero units could provide an alternative solution.
As one-of-a-kind units, heroes obviously don’t have this issue. They can have high-impact abilities without making them spammable. You can even have abilities that are not possible for regular RTS spellcasters to have. For example the Animate Death ability of Death Knight in WC3, which resurrects some of the units that have died. This would obviously be not possible to have on units that you can make multiple copies of. Another type of ability that you can have with this implementation is directional abilities that are prevalent in MOBAs, where the position of the hero is crucial. This is much harder to implement in an RTS as when you use an ability with multiple spellcasters selected, it is hard to know which unit will activate their ability.
Summing Up
To sum up, all heroes would have 3 abilities:
An additional benefit of designing all heroes in a consistent manner would be that it will be easy to learn for players. You can make it even easier to learn by having consistent hotkey setups across heroes. So, all heroes would have their scouting ability on Q, their macro ability on W and their combat ability on E. This way, if someone comes back to the game after years and sees dozens of new heroes added, they will not have a hard time adjusting.
Having three separate abilities for three completely different tasks will also introduce interesting decision making due to opportunity cost. This can be done by either having a mana mechanic or with cooldowns. Opportunity cost for mana mechanic is self-explanatory. If you use your mana on scouting abilities, you have less mana to do macro tasks or use abilities in combat. With cooldowns, you would miss out on macro benefits if you keep your hero with your army or use them to scout. Deciding on where to keep your hero, which abilities to use and when could open a new avenue for player expression.
To sum up, this type of hero implementation can have the following benefits that RTS games have traditionally struggled with:
Going back to my previous thread on hero units, I had identified 5 main problems with heroes in RTS games:
I believe that the implementation I propose causes none of these issues. Needless to say, abilities in this implementation can’t be unlocked based on experience if they are not to exacerbate snowballing. The abilities could be unlocked via research or automatically unlocked as the game goes on, e.g. hero starts off with the scouting ability, then gains the macro ability at 5 minutes and finally gets the combat ability at 10 minutes. I also don’t think this implementation would cause serious problems with deathballing as you would need your hero to go back home occasionally or scout on their own. You might need to have your hero at home for macro mechanics while fighting with your army or using heroes to scout while your army is in a defensive position.
My last three points were about heroes’ impact on combat. Heroes in this implementation can be durable units with auto-attacks that are not much stronger than regular units. As their kit isn’t focused solely around combat, you would only use their combat ability 1 or 2 times during a given fight and still have the regular RTS micro interactions after that. It would still be unit compositions and unit control that decide the battles.
As someone who has said multiple times on this subreddit that I prefer a game with no heroes, I would personally welcome a hero implementation such as this one. What are your thoughts?
submitted by _Spartak_ to FrostGiant [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Transmission 02: Player onboarding & skill floor

Transmission 02: Player onboarding & skill floor
You can read this post on my blog or here. In the previous post I wrote about settings, scale, heroes, social aspect, shareability. This post will focus on lowering the skill floor and player onboarding. Together with player socialization I see these as the most important areas where a new RTS can improve.
This is a good opportunity to organize my thoughts. Following ideas might or might not fit a particular RTS game, but perhaps some will be useful or shape further discussions.


RTS games are typically hard to get into and have a steep learning curve. There are a lot of things to learn and master before players can "play the real game", "engage in the core experience" or however you want to call that. In first-person-shooters you move and click enemies, in MOBAs you start with a single unit and gradually unlock abilities. That's a lot easier than making sense of UI and learning how basic economy, tech tree, production, and unit control works.
Even advanced players might not truly engage with the core experience until higher ranks. In StarCraft games macro-mechanics are so important that improving them might be your best way to advance to the next league instead of actively scouting, learning proper responses or controlling your army better.
Even the basic base management is hard in Brood War
This has led many games to oversimplify either micro or macro mechanics or both. However, I think that with good design it's possible to make a good game for a wide variety of players. Solutions will have to come from all angles – UI, UX, game design, art & sound design. It's important to consider players of skill levels when making any change. What exactly are players doing, and how engaging is the core gameplay loop? If we automate something, does the game become shallow or less engaging for them? Does the change reduce skill ceiling where we don't want it to?


This concept was mentioned on the Pylon Show. It refers to the idea that an army should be somewhat effective even without too much micro involved (80% effectiveness). The actual numbers might be a nod to pareto principle, but they are not important. In some cases additional effort expended will lead to smaller improvements (95–5), and sometimes to much larger ones (50–50). The core idea is to lower the skill floor of controlling an army.
An example that was mentioned is Nova in StarCraft II Co-op. She has a solid army that does "ok" when simply a-moved. This is not uncommon in Co-op. The great part is how much more it can do if you control it properly – siege Liberators and tanks, use Raven's abilities, lay mines, micro Nova, EMP with Ghosts, place defensive drones and use airstrikes. This broad range of options provides tactical choices and rewards micro. A new player might be satisfied with simply a-moving and using an airstrike, more advanced players will try to do as many things and as good as they can.
Nova's wide variety of units
Another good part is that many abilities can be "pre-cast". What I mean is that a players can siege Tanks and Liberators, place Auto-Turrets, Defensive Drones, and lay Spider Mines in anticipation of the engagement. This lets slower players to engage with these abilities even if they couldn't use them when the combat begins.


One of the approaches mentioned was a more common use of autocast on abilities. The idea is that slower players will leave them on autocast, while faster players might disable autocast and/or use them manually and more effectively. Results are:
  • Lower skill floor
  • Fights on lower levels look more like those on top levels
  • Players encounter autocasted abilities more at lower skill levels
There are some potential disadvantages as well:
  • Autocasted ability is significantly less rewarding than manually casted.
  • Too many autocasted abilities might result in unnecessary visual clutter.
  • If the autocast is too smart, the player won't engage in decision-making where and when to use the ability until the player can outperform autocast and overcome the opportunity cost of spending actions somewhere else.
★ ★ ★
I've looked for some good examples in StarCraft II Co-op. Ambusher's Blink might be the best one. Ambushers autocast blink to escape enemy fire, but players are encouraged to use Blink more aggressively as it provides significant DPS boost. This works very well because the manual cast is used differently than the autocast (defensive vs offensive usage).
Avatar of Essence's Devolution Wave is not as good example. It's an autocasted area-of-effect debuff. Manually casting it has exactly the same use, but you can affect more enemies if you use it at the right time. I would guess that more than 99% of playerbase has never casted it manually. Vorazuns's Corsairs, Zeratul's Shieldguards and Abrogators are in a similar position. Their abilities have the same use whether autocasted or not, and are mostly not rewarding enough to use them manually.
Swarm Host-like units are a better example. They do spawn Locust-like units automatically, but with manual cast you can send them to hit targets outside their autocast range, or you can spawn them in anticipation of the enemy attack. This option to pre-cast and different manual use case are what makes this interesting and rewarding, even if most players will not actually use it.
Ambusher's Blink can be used both defensively and offensively
I think autocast on abilities work particularly well when the use case for manual casting is sufficiently different from the autocasted ability – as is it with Ambushers and Swarm Hosts-like units. Warcraft 3 has good examples as well, namely Sorceress' Slow and Dryad's Abolish Magic. With these abilities you are not trying to compete with autocast AI, instead you might use them when the autocast wouldn't trigger at all (e.g., against summons or when chasing the enemy), or target the high-priority units first.
Disabling and enabling autocast to preserve energy is a skill in itself. However, if players are encouraged to change the autocast state too often, it can quickly become a chore.
★ ★ ★
Two more thoughts about autocast:
Using abilities in fights is engaging, and players should be encouraged to do it manually. It might be a good idea to first look at macro mechanics to lower the load on new players, then try to improve the user experience when controlling armies. For example having all abilities in one command card for Tychus does reduce the mechanical barrier to using active abilities. Only after that it might make sense to look at how many autocasted abilities are actually needed.
There was an idea that autocasted abilities would have different statistics. This seems highly unintuitive and inelegant. I don't want to see a fight where some Psionic Storms deal 80 damage and others 50 damage. It's better to make the autocast AI less good – doesn't react immediately, stacks unstackable effects a bit, requires certain game state, doesn't hit the most targets with one spell or the most important targets, etc.


This returns back to the 80–20 principle, but instead of increasing effectiveness through manually casting abilities, the effectiveness can be increased incrementally with focus on simple control based around moving and attacking. My thinking here is that you can more naturally improve your army control if it's based around simple concepts like moving, attacking or target firing.
This has few advantages:
  • Effectiveness is improved more incrementally.
  • Resulting battles are easier to parse – fewer effects, no knowledge of abilities required.
More focus is put on kiting, and army positioning – arcs and surrounds. Brood War did a good job by distinguishing units and interaction based on movement alone. Vultures or Mutalisks can shine with just movement micro. Warcraft 3 also heavily focuses on army movement and positioning.
Unit positioning is extremely important in Warcraft 3
These simple unit controls could include positional units like Lurkers, Siege Tanks, Liberators or heavy machine guns or cannons in Company of Heroes with their limited firing arc and setup time. All these can be very interesting and scale well with player skill.


The 80–20 concept could be the most useful with macro mechanics (economy, basebuilding and production). Most of new players will want only very few tech and economy decisions before going to play with the army. But I think that for experienced and competitive players there should be enough room to improve macro through high APM and multitasking.
In the previous post I mentioned that it's hard for me to return to competitive 1v1 due to not being satisfied with my mechanics. I believe applying this 80–20 concept could help with that. It wouldn't be helpful to just new players but also to anyone returning to the game.
★ ★ ★
How to do this correctly is a very difficult problem and will require a lot of prototyping and testing. StarCraft II's Chronoboost, MULE and Larva Inject work, but they can feel a bit forced. They do provide some room for decisions, and the inject raises skill ceiling as well.
Few other examples how to introduce some optional complexity to macro: adjacency bonuses in Supreme Commander, more efficient manual reseeding of farms in Age of Empires, transferring workers, overbuilding workers before transferring them to an expansion, collecting scattered resources or wrecks from previous battles, creep spread, switching add-ons in StarCraft II, updating resource drop-off points, and more.
In Supreme Commander adjacency bonuses reduce operating cost
It would help casual players a lot if repeating tasks were reduced, and macro was limited only to important decisions. There is nothing worse than watching a casual player making 20 Pylons without using the shift key. This could include limited auto-queues for workers, auto-hotkey for some production, etc. Repeating tasks can be reintroduced for more serious players, and as a player progresses through ranks these tasks would become more important. This is of course more easily said than done.


Now for some other things that might help with lowering the skill floor and onboarding. They might or might not fit into a particular game.
  • Already mentioned ghost mode would be great. However, it should not become a crutch for overly complex buildorders.
  • Hotkeys for select all army / all units onscreen / all army units not in control groups.
  • Global build UI similar to found in C&C games or Spellforce.
  • Shared ability command card similar to what Tychus have (no need to switch between units when using different abilities).
  • Easier default commanders in Co-op compared to StarCraft II where default commanders are not very casual friendly – especially Raynor.
  • Better after game feedback. In RTS games it's often difficult to see what you did wrong. It would be even more difficult to find this algorithmically, but perhaps some machine learning model could manage it decently.
  • Reducing the number of cheeses and rushes in lower leagues. Possible options could include a different take on stealth than in StarCraft games, free scout like in Age of Empire games, or something like Orc Burrow mechanic in Warcraft 3. It wouldn't completely prevent aggression, but the damage would be limited to not mining. Something like that could keep early aggression viable but not game ending unless one player messes up.
  • Good and engaging tutorials. They could be combined with a challenge providing bonus experience, other rewards and even leaderboards. They could focus on a variety of skills from basics to those aimed at the competitive mode.


I mentioned a lot of things, but I'm sure there are plenty of other ideas that could improve the experience for new and returning players. It's a difficult problem and solutions will have to touch and affect many aspects of the game. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Fluffy_Maguro to FrostGiant [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread (7 September 2020)

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread (16 September 2020)

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread (30 August 2020)

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread (11 August 2020)

Thank you to Regunes for the latest edition to our guide list, with their video "STELLARIS META-BREAKER : Secret moves to dominate the galaxy! Episode 1." Be sure to check it out.
Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread (23 August 2020)

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Stellaris Space Guild - Weekly Help Thread (3 August 2020)

Welcome to this week’s Stellaris Space Guild Help Thread! This thread functions as a gathering place for all questions, tips, bugs, suggestions, and resources for Stellaris. Here you can post quick-fire questions, tips, and other tidbits of knowledge that may not deserve their own discussion thread. If you would like to ask a specific question about the state of your Stellaris campaign, please include links to relevant screenshots to assist the people helping you. This ensures that you get the most accurate advice for your specific campaign.
Below you can find resources for the game. If you would like to help contribute to the resources section, please leave a comment that pings me (using "u/Snipahar") and link to the resource. You can also contribute by reaching me through private message or modmail. Be sure to include a short description of what you find valuable about the resource.
If you have any suggestions for the body of this thread, please ping me, using "u/Snipahar" or send me a private message!
submitted by Snipahar to Stellaris [link] [comments]

automation empire game wiki video

Automation Empire #11 WATERWORKS - YouTube Let's Play Automation Empire Ep 15  Oil Refining ... Factorio for 2020? Automation Empire gameplay part 1 - YouTube Automation is EVERYTHING! - Automation Empire Let’s Play ... HOW TO USE COMBINERS PROPERLY! - Automation Empire ... Fabrik erweitern 🚧 [002] Let's Play Automation Empire ... Automation Empire - EFFICIENT BUILD PLANS & BLUEPRINTS ... Automation Empire - QUICK START GUIDE & FACTORY LAYOUTS ... Automation Empire Gameplay Ep 1 - BETTER THAN FACTORIO and ...

Automation Empire: Build and manage a massive industrial network of factories, mines, and farms. Employ a fleet of trains, trucks, and robotic drones. In the age of automation, efficiency is survival! ↑ 1.0 1.1 File/folder structure within this directory reflects the path(s) listed for Windows and/or Steam game data (use Wine regedit to access Windows registry paths). Games with Steam Cloud support may store data in ~/.steam/steam/userdata/ <user-id> / 1112790 / in addition to or instead of this directory. Automation Empire game guide focuses on Beginners Guide and some useful Tips and Tricks. The guide will give you basic tips and tricks on Automation Empire game. While writing this instruction, we pick up many pieces of information from several sites for you. We hope that this guide will help you. Start the Factory. Second Mine and Mine Carts. I started with mine carts – 3 on the right 1 Automation Empire Welcome to the Dyson Sphere Program's Wiki! Dyson Sphere Program is a sci-fi simulation game with space, adventure, exploration and factory automation elements where you can build your own galactic industrial empire from scratch. You play as a space engineer in charge of a project launched by the space alliance COSMO, tasked with a massive Good news! For this game we also have cheats. On this page dedicated to the cheats of Automation Empire you will find all the cheats and cheat codes that will surely improve your experience with this game.. also has a Trainer available on this site. If you go to the Trainer page, download it and run it while you play, you will be allowed to get new features, usually additional non-achievable Automation Empire. Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Nov 20, 2019 PC; Automation Empire. Summary. Short summary describing this game. Navigation. Game Wiki; Images (1) Forum (1) News; Guide; Releases (1) DLC ; Reviews ; Related Pages Similar Games Characters Locations Concepts Objects Credits; Get this guide started! Automation Empire. Build and manage a massive industrial network of factories, mines, and farms. Employ a fleet of trains, trucks, and robotic drones. In the age of automation, efficiency is survival! Most popular community and official content for the past week. Automation Empire wiki? Close. 5. Posted by 11 months ago. Archived. Automation Empire wiki? I cannot find one. If there isn't a wiki would anyone have the time to set one up? Can't wait to do the number crunching on November 20. 1 comment. share. save. hide. report. 100% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. best. level 1. 6 points From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games PCGamingWiki aims to list fixes and workarounds for every single PC game. For example... Cyberpunk 2077; Borderlands 3 ; Half-Life: Alyx; State of Decay 2; What is PCGamingWiki? Editing guide. Troubleshooting guide. Support us on Patreon. Top news. February 8 · Forza Horizon 4 will become available on Steam on March 9, 2021 after being

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Automation Empire #11 WATERWORKS - YouTube

New Real-Time Strategy Tycoon Sim Production Management Game 2019 - Factorio/Satisfactory style GameAutomation Empire Full Series Playlist Enjoy my content? Support me on Patreon! huge thank you to DOG HOGGLER for providing me with a game key!Release Date:... Automation Empire is a new game on Steam! It is a game that fits into the management/automation/simulation/factory type genre. Automation Empire Playlist :... Quick start your game with these efficient designs! Enjoy my content? Support me on Patreon! huge thank you to DOG HO... AUTOMATION EMPIRENew factory simulation game releasing on 20th of November on Steam by Dog HogglerBuild and manage a massive industrial network of factories,... Automation is EVERYTHING! - Automation Empire Let’s Play Ep 1Automation Empire let's play gameplay today! This is a new factory building game similar to Sati... Automation Empire Tutorial/Tips on how to use COMBINERS the RIGHT WAY!New Real-Time Strategy Tycoon Sim Production Management Game 2019 - Factorio/Satisfacto... Let's Play Automation Empire als kommentiertes Gameplay von und mit ZwergTube. Alle weiteren Informationen rund um das Spiel, den Kanal und was die Community... Automation Empire is the latest factorio style game to hit Steam and in part 1 of this series I take a look at all the research options that exist so far whi...

automation empire game wiki

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